Thursday, May 19, 2016

Poetry Journal Collection ~Veronica Tarascina~

Poem 1:

I'm in A BOX                                Poetry Journal

And I can't get out.                                                      Earlier, my English teach, Ms. Leon made a poem.
Its full of so many items.                                               It was about how everyone has a box. How this box
I love all of them                                                          Holds everything about a person. All of their info.
                                                                                   When I listened to this poem I realized it was true.
It has my description.                                                    I wanted to make a poem about how I felt about it. 
All that I am.                                                                At first it was going to be called 'Escaping the Box'
As much as I love this box.....                                      Then I changed that thought. I was going to make a 
I can't stand it.                                                             Series of poems, The Box Collection. This is the first
                                                                                   poem in that collection. To be honest, I don't like this
Everyday, I'm in this Box                                             box at all. I feel as though it puts a label on people.   
As all live on.                                                               Not a label, but well, a box. So I wrote how I
Do others have boxes as well?                                     would've felt, And now. It's time to Escape the Box.
Or is it just me?

I don't like it.
I noticed something today
It turns out other all have boxes
Although that doesn't make me 
feel any better

I'm going to find a way out....

Poem 2:

Escaping The Box pt. 1               Poetry Journal

I've been thinking about this.                                       This is a continuation of my other Box poem,
This whole box issue.                                                  'Im in a Box'. The second poem in the Box collection.
And I've come to the conclusion.                                 This second poem is mostly just the character (me)
There MUST be a way out.                                         wondering about the box issue and looking for a way
                                                                                   out. At the end I do find a way out. But the poem 
It's been a while.                                                          itself, mostly just shows what the mind of the 
Nothing has changed.                                                   character is thinking. As stated before, this is a 
Why do people not rebel                                              continuation of my other Box poem. So these will 
against these boxes keeping us                                      mostly be about the character thinking about the 
trapped?                                                                      how others don't notice the boxes. Well, that's all for 
                                                                                    this poem.                                       
Do they not mind?      
.......Maybe they don't know
How did these boxes come about?

I'm not sure anyone knows.
I have tried to explain it.
But no one understands.
But at least one good thing happened.
I found a way OUT

Poem 3:

Escaping The Box pt. 2                 Poetry Journal

I have finally found a way out!                                        This part of the Box collection is how the character 
There is a small hole,                                                       finally fund a way out. This to me is like when a 
maybe now i can finally be free?                                      person, truly find a light at the end of the tunnel.
                                                                                      This also reminds me of a person who will try their
I wonder what will happen?                                             hardest to achieve what they want. It reminds me 
Will this box stay here forever?                                        this because. Unlike everyone else. This person
Or will it follow me,                                                         figured out the boxes, and is trying to find a way 
until it captures me again?                                                and even trying to get others to come too.
                                                                                       Not only that. But their hard work pays off when 
I kinda feel bad.                                                              As well as how this person just dosent feel right    
I quite liked this box,                                                        in this situation. While no one else cares, not just 
although it just didn't feel right.                                          that, but most of the people, didn't even figure out
                                                                                        that the boxes exist.
There is an opening in the box wall
That is my escape route.
It's there, i will get my freedom

Maybe after words,
I'll free the rest of them too.
Yeah....that's what I'll do

Poem 4:

Escaping the Box pt. 3                        Poetry Journal

It is time to escape.                                                                This is the poem when the character actually
I have an entire plan                                                                escapes the box. First they have created a 
done out.                                                                                 a plan and actually find a way out.
If this works I'll be free.                                                           But a thing that makes me feel soft on the 
                                                                                               inside is that the character takes their 
Now it is time to escape.                                                         precious items with them. When no one else
I create a small tower at the hole.                                            knows, this character figures out the fact that
Will this work? I hope.                                                            there are boxes. As well as the fact that this 
Lets Do This!                                                                          person was so determined that they 
                                                                                               eventually got out. Kinda like how humans 
Got my knife.                                                                           try to break out of anything holding them 
I have to carve out the hole,                                                      back. It's wonderful, no?
so I will be able to get out.
Once, I've cut  it out.
I can leave.

I have all my most precious 
possessions with me.
In my bag. I've thrown the bag 
through the hole.

Now it's my turn.
I crawl out....
and fall. I fall out 
of my box, and onto the
empty abyss.

All I see is white.
other boxes?
I turn around.

There is a large box.
It's my box....
Im looking at my Box....

Poem 5:

Things to do if you turn                  Poetry Journals                                  into ME!

Be FABULOUS.                                                            This was more of a manifesto poem, it was written
TRY to brush stubborn hair.                                             mostly for fun. It's things I think people should do
Sleep...alot.                                                                     if ever turned into me :3 These are things that I do
Eat....much food.                                                             or think of myself. Which is basically the purpose 
Dance strangely.                                                               of the manifesto. In the process of writing this
Be Amazingly Weird.                                                        poem, I had to think back at all the things I do
Try to do cool tricks.                                                        often, or am. As well as think a little more deeply
Then Fail at doing the                                                       about what I think of my self 'strange' 'weird'.
cool tricks cuz you don't                                                  Although, the good kind of strange and weird. 
know how to do them.                                                      The ME kind of strange and weird. :D
Do very annoying and 
boring homework.
Play many games.
Listen to MUCH music.
Be a fangurl.
Do anything, 
just because you can!
Do not doubt yourself.
And most important.....

Poem 6:

Lonely Tree In the Sea

There was once a lonely Tree.
It had somehow grew in the sea.
Still in view of land.
By the beach it grew.
But in the water all the same.

The Lonely Tree, in the sea.
People looked at it in wonder.
How did it grow in the water?
The salt water, that's strange.

The Lonely Tree is still alone.
No other plants grow there.
Other than the seaweed.
But they aren't very close,
so the tree can't talk to them.

Then there were some people.
A young girl among them.
She took a picture of this tree.
And kept it there forever.

Now she's sitting here.
Writing a poem of this lonely tree
This Lonely Tree in The Sea.

Poetry Journal

This poem is about an actual event for me.
When me and my father and sister were
taking a walk on the beach one day 
we cane across an unexpected sight.
It was a small tree growing out of the sea, 
already quite far from shore. The picture above
is a picture I took of the tree. This was unexpected
Because the tree was GROWING in salt water.
Which itself is strange. Also, the question
of how the tree got so far out from shore.
It was quite an interesting site, and intrigued me.
Which is why I wrote this poem about that tree.
Also It made give the tree an entire story. 
Snippets of that story can be seen in my poem.
'The Lonely Tree in The Sea'

Poem 7: 

When Your Electronic Freezes :I     Poetry Journal

We all have that moment.                                                     This poem was made because I noticed how 
When our electronic freezes.                                                 most people react when their electronics 
Whether it be                                                                        freeze. I'm one of those people. These people
Phone, Or Laptop.                                                               get upset, and (this is what I do), spaztasticaly 
Or anything else, they all freeze.                                             click random buttons or if that's not working, 
                                                                                             continuously press the power button over and 
And when they do freeze.                                                       over. And if that doesn't work, I usually just  
Everyone hates it.                                                                  repeadtly smack the electronic. I also noticed
They all do things to try to get them                                        other people do this as well, not just me. 
to work again.                                                                        guess these things, are what we aren't really 
                                                                                              used to, but at the same time, it's happened so
With laptops or computers,                                                      many times, that we all get sick of it.
we spaztasticly click on everything,
hoping it will work.
Or simply smack the screen and
keyboard several times.

With phones, or ipods,
We like to smack them while
also spazatasticaly hitting the 
home button, and the power button.

We do this because we either,
think it'll work.
Or we're just REALLY fed up,
annoyed, and irritated. So we take it
out on our frozen electronic.
They get on our nerves sometimes.

Poem 8:

Gaming Fit                                    Poetry Journal

Every now and then,                                                     I wrote this, to show how I act in these situations.
I play a game.                                                              I think I turn into the hulk. Because when I can't get 
Sometimes that game is hard.                                        past a level, I get so frustrated and mad that I 
And frustrating.                                                             very literally attack my pillows. Games really get on 
                                                                                    my nerves when they are hard. I wrote this poem to
For all those gamers,                                                     tell, what happens to me in these situations.
I'm sure you feel me.                                                     Although I'm sure I'm not the only one this happens
There is usually that really                                               to. With that said, I'd like to state that, these 
hard level, or battle in a game.                                       Gaming Fits are very annoying, and I personally
                                                                                      hate them. Although I'm sure that feeling is the 
When you die,                                                                feeling people get when fighting others. And I can
OVER and OVER and                                                  see why people get so beat up during those fights.
OVER again.                                                                 This feeling make you want to strangle the nearest 
                                                                                      item a million times. Hopefully I'll never get this 
And you just can't win.                                                   feeling towards another person. Because it's 
It gets so frustrating.                                                       horrible. :I 
I usually throw, what I call,
A gaming fit.

I yell, and throw the game.
But not hard enough to break it.
I punch my pillows and bed....
and occationaly. The wall.

And after my gaming fit. I try again
....guess what happens then.
I either win.....
or .........HERE COMES THE

Poem 9:

Every Now and Then                         Poetry Journal

Every now and then I sit.                                                      This happens to me personally, often. There 
I sit and think about                                                              where many cases, when I completely zone
all I've done, and all that                                                        out while thinking of this. And I'm positive that
is yet to come.                                                                       I'm not the only one with this issue. But is it 
                                                                                             a bad thing? To me it seems as proof that 
I do this often.                                                                       humans still have the curiosity they once had. 
When I zone out                                                                    So when I zone out, and come back, I am
and ponder.                                                                          kind of relieved it happened. I restores my fate
I do it, even when                                                                   in humanity when I think of these little things.
I don't want to.
When I don't want 
to think about the future.

Because sometimes bad
things happen. And we 
can't help but think about them.

When we miss a homework 
assignment. And that entire day
your mind would be on that
one assignment that you missed.

Sometimes you just zone out.
And think about the most 
random things. Like what you'll
do when you become famous....

Every now and then,
We all do just that.

Poem 10:

Why does this happen?                      Poetry Journal

Why does this happen?                                                         I wrote this poem, because as stated 
Why does that happen?                                                        'This question has been seared into my mind'.
Why does anything happen?                                                  I was not being dishonest when I said this.
                                                                                            To tell the truth, it does actually hurt my mind
I really don't know.                                                                to think about this question. So I decided to
But does anyone?                                                                  write/type it down. In this poem, it restates 
Or are these unanswerable                                                    similar things over and over again. I had used
question?                                                                               repetition because it seemed to fit this poem.
                                                                                             To be completely honest, I had not a clue 
I know of The Law                                                                where I was going with this. I just wanted to 
Of Attraction. But                                                                  put this idea out there. And a poem seemed to
why does that really happen?                                                  fit the best for it. Although the question is still
Sure, there are scientifically                                                       forever in my mind, this helped :) 
answers. But they, don't help.

This question has been seared 
into my mind for ages.
Nothing has ever answered it.
When I think of it,
my mind hurts. 
Why does that happen?

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