Thursday, May 19, 2016

Danial's Story Poem #5

Time is a creature.
A fantastic creature.
It Can be old it can be new.
Everyone needs time.
Time to rhyme or
Time For fun.
Fun with your Family.
Fun with your Friends.
Time comes and also goes.
It Never Stays in one spot.
It's over here.
Or it's over
Time Is everywhere.
If you don't use time wisely,
you will miss the things that you love.
Time Is neither good
nor bad.
Time is as valuable as jewels,
and everything else in the world.
Time is Everything.
Time is Life

Danial's Story Poem Journal #5
I was inspired to write this poem when I was rushing to finish my poems. I took to long to write them and I didn't have enough time. While I was thinking of ideas for my poems I thought I should write about Time.
Everyone needs time. Time to spend with friends and family. Time is very important, as I used the simile "Time is as valuable as jewels." I meant that it is important to use your time wisely. Not just wisely for procrastinating but for love too. You don't spend enough time with your family until there is no time left. Time can be related to many topics. Therefore, it is more valuable than money or jewels. Time is almost never used wisely until you learn that there is no time left. I was also inspired to write this poem because of many other reasons. One is When I look at the clock I wonder how did time fly by so quick. Then I realize I don't use my time correctly. Another is when People don't care about There Family and friends. They are too focused on other things like games. They don't use their time wisely. This all comes back to why I decided to write this poem on Time and what its like. And how it effects lives. Time is a mystery. It is very hard to understand.

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