Thursday, May 19, 2016

Brothers #3

Brothers poem
and story journal

They're not that bad.
one minute its 
peaceful one minute
its sad.
They can make me 
angry they can
make me so mad.
But in the end 
they make me glad.
One is different
from the another
but in the end
they are my brothers 
and we love each other.

I have two brothers.
Each brother is amazing.
In their own way.
My brothers name is Anthony and Christopher.
Anthony is the older brother and Christopher is my twin brother.
Me and Chris share a bond on a game called Minecraft.
Me and Anthony share a bond in basketball.
Both of my brothers are artists.
They both share that bond.
They are very fond of drawing and still do it up to this day.
My brothers can be annoying sometimes.
They make me want to scream.
But in the end they are family.
Nothing can change that.
Brothers are awesome because you always have someone to talk too.
When your sad, happy.
They can lift up your spirits.
They can help you with anything. 
They play with you. 
They love you.
Do you have siblings?

1 comment:

  1. I like that you chose this specific topic. Considering that you have 2 amazing brothers.
