Thursday, May 19, 2016

                    Iris's Poetry Journal 601 all ten poems 



                           Stars off as a seed,
                               thrown into the soil. 
                                 start sprouting, water 
                            starts dripping, a flower starts forming.
                                       A green vine appears
                                     More water falling onto the 
                                   long, tall green stem, soaking up the ground.
                                    A while later , strong wind arrives.
                                      The flower stays strong and is now ready 
                                     to bloom, one petal after another, 
                                opening and revealing 
                                   a beam of beauty.
                                             A flower has now blossomed,
                                  adding more beauty and sunshine
                                             to the world.

Journal #1 :
   The poem "Flowers" is about the growth of a human being. The flower in this poem is a symbol for the person. When I wrote the line "A green vine appears", I was referring to how a teenager or child is becoming an adult. The inspiration I got to write this poem came from my sister. My sister is soon going to begin collage. While writing this poem, I was thinking of her as the "flower'' or "green vine". The line, "A flower has now blossomed " contains a lot of meaning in it. The reason this line has a lot of meaning within it is because this is the part of the poem where the "flower"becomes an adult and independent. The sentence, "Strong wind arrives. The flower stays strong and is now ready to bloom.", is a symbol for all of the obstacles in life. The reason I added this line is because no one has a easy life. Everybody on this earth has a difficult life. Everybody has obstacles to over come in life. That sentence is a representation of the obstacles that occur in life. In the poem I also added in a line that expresses how your family cares for you. The sentence explain how the water droplets that are caring for the flower are like your family caring for you.Without the water, the flower would not have survived long. This is similar to how without your parents, it would be hard to survive. The flower in this poem is the symbol I used to represent a human being. This was my inspiration for my poem.

Poem #2
                          WINTER WONDERLAND

                                  Snow is falling everywhere, filling up the air.
                               Its a winter wonderland.
                         Cold wind swirls by, leaving,
                                   a little shiver. 
                       Looking at the snow, feeling it drip
                           through the ice cube replacing 
                                       your hand. 
                           Snow flakes falling, sparkling 
                                 in the bright blue sky,
                              Reaching out your hands,
                               catching a snow flake,
                                     watching the little
                                  snow flake melt
                                     in the palm of your hands. 
                              Feeling the winter air,
                                          Breeze everywhere.
       Journal  #2   

                  I wrote this poem because it makes me think of the beauty of winter. When
 I wrote the line "winter wonderland", I was referring to the beauty in winter. This poem is meant to bring out the happiness in winter. Many people never realize the best in winter. They only think about the sharp, piercing wind. Or the "annoying" snow. However, the reason I wrote this poem is to bring out the beauty of winter and show the reader that winter is a beautiful season. Winter has many astonishing features, that are rarely noticed. Long, shark cold icicles hanging from the roofs of homes. Sparkling snow. The poem I had written about winter reminds me of wonderful memories
I have had in winter. Playing with snow. Catching snowflakes. Braking ice. Enjoying the winter air.
Winter is an amazing season that shows my positive side. Even though winter can be very cold. Winter can still be fun and exciting. The biggest reason I wrote this poem is to show that winter can be loud and quiet. Warm and cold. Most importantly, happy and sad. However, all memories made in winter will remain heartwarming and comforting.


                                          Generous flowers
                      Oh how beautiful they are
                        They should be honored


         The reason I wrote the  haiku "Generous Flowers" is because nature should be thanked. Without nature, it would be nearly impossible to survive. The reason I specifically focused on flowers is because flowers bring love and beauty to the world. Without flowers, bee's wouldn't survive which hurts humans since bee's produce honey. When I wrote the last line, I was referring to how thankful we as humans should be that flowers are grown and survive for a period of time. As I had mentioned before, flowers produce many needful items to humans, that is why we should be thankful. The reason I used the word, ''generous", is because flowers are providing us with beauty and happiness. In this case, they are being generous and giving with all of the things they provide us.  This poem is meaningful to me because it expresses my thoughts on nature and shows my opinion on how helpful nature is. This is why I wrote the haiku, "Generous Flowers".
         My inspiration for this poem was found outside when I was walking and admired a beautiful garden filled with roses and tulips. The garden made me think of something unreal and magical. I suddenly realized that all of these flowers are a part of having it easier for animals and humans to survive. As I was writing the poem, I realized that I really never thought of how thankful I should be words nature. Another thing that inspired me was how nature impacted my mood. When it is raining outside and the flowers don't shine, I feel tired and moody. However, when it is sunny and warm and the flowers shine, I feel bright and upbeat. The thought that I had of nature was very inspiring because it helped me understand why I should honer everything I have. The reason I wrote this long paragraph was to explain how I honer nature. Another reason I wrote this long paragraph is to share my thoughts and opinion. This is why I wrote the haiku, "Generous Flowers".

Poem #4              Hiding
                      My poems hide in a secrete 
                             place, somewhere
                            where no one can find them.
                            They hide like a turtle in its shell
                            Or like a scared cat.
                            Sometimes my poems come out,
                            Splattering onto a page.
                            Other times they stay 
                            in their secrete hiding place.
                            Away from other people, 
                            scared to come out.
                            My poems are unique
                            in their special way.
                            They stay together in their 
                            secrete hiding place.


     The reason I wrote the poem, "My poems hide in a secrete place" is because it creates a mysterious tone. Throughout the whole poem I add in hints as to where my poems my "hide". However I never reveal it. This poem is meaningful to me because it expresses my feeling towards sharing my work. Personally, I am a very timid person. I do not like to share my thoughts to a big group of people. When I was writing this poem, I made sure that throughout the poem I didn't reveal any idea of where my poems hide. The poems in this case is a replacement for my voice or thoughts. Instead of using " My thoughts hide in a secrete place, I compared thoughts to poems. When I used the simile, " My poems hide in a secrete place, like a turtle in its shell. Or a scared cat", I was referring to how my "poems" are timid and quiet. How even though I write them on paper, its not for the whole world to see. From lines 6-9, I explain how my "poems" sometimes come out and are shared with the world. However , they usually "hide in their secrete hiding place." This poem explains in imagery how I the author of this poem am and how I feel about releasing my thoughts into the open. As the poem is now coming to an end, I add in a special note. I add in that my thoughts don't come out and stay together in their "secret hiding place". Throughout the whole poem I the mystery unanswered. The ending of the poem is adding on to the mystery of where my "poems" hide. As a result, I never reveal the mystery in the poem. This is what inspired me to write this poem.

Poem #5
                            First Day Of School
                  New faces, people, things
                  Not knowing where to go
                  feeling so alone.
                  Finally meeting a friend
                  Feeling awake again
                  "Hi whats your name?"
                  This phrase spreading
                   across the halls.

                  New faces, people and things.
                  Knowing where to go, 
                  Not feeling so alone.
                  Having a friend
                  there for you,
                  and by your side
                  Having a friend for help. 
Journal #5

          The poem, "First Day Of School" is about meeting new people and friends. The reason I wrote the sentence, "New faces, people and things'' twice is because it is the main line of the poem. This line explains how the first day of anything, there will always be something or someone who is unfamiliar to you. This line shows that there will be unfamiliar people, things, and faces. This poem is very meaningful to me because I remember how nervous and shy I felt on the first day of school. However, as soon as I had found a friend , everything flipped around. The second stanza focuses more on the topic of meeting a new friend. In that stanza I explain how you now know your way around and are accompanied by a friend. The reason I added this topic at the end was to end the poem on a positive note. The first stanza however was more negative and sad. The first stanza focused on how at first everybody feels alone and isolated. How they don't know their way around. How they are scared and excited at the same time.
           In both stanzas however there where many similarities. One important similarity is that both stanzas made me think of loud and quit. Exciting and scary. Happy but nervous. This was one of my inspirations to write this poem. This change of mood and tone makes me have more interesting ideas. All of these details helped make my poem better. This is why I wrote this poem.

Poem #6
                                  Falling Down

                      It was late at night
                      I was very tired.
                      I felt my eyelids slowly closing.
                      I quickly opened my eyes and got out of bed
                      Realizing I left something downstairs. 
                      There was a sudden fall,
                      made by me.
                      Passing every step , one by one.
                      " Are you alright?"
                      "Are you OK?"
                      I felt sleepy
                      I didn't know where I was. 
                      So many different faces.
                      People nervous, shouting 
                      and in tears.
                      Finally realizing this was about me.

    The reason decided to write this poem is because it was a tragic event in my life. When I was around five years old, I had slipped and horrendously fell down the stairs. I had a very concussion. I was also in very bad condition. This all inspired me to write a poem about this event. Since this poem was based on a real life experience, I feel like it was easier to express. This poem is very meaningful to me because I am able to sit here and write this paragraph. In the poem I explain my thoughts and reactions of my family. At the time, I didn't know what was going on. All I could hear where the tears of my family members. In the second line of the poem, I explain that I was very tired. My eyelids were closing slowly. This is a very important detail to this memory because all I mostly remember is wanting to go to sleep badly.
      I was also inspired by the thought of how much dialogue and feeling I can add into the poem.
 Since this actually has happened to me, I can use many emotions, feelings and thoughts. This experience was filled with words, yet speechless. Scared, yet relieved. Noisy, yet quiet. I felt lost in my own dizzy world. I feel like this poem is also very meaningful to me because of how my family reacted. They were there for me when I needed them which expanded the poem a lot. This is why I decided to write this poem.

Poem #7

                            Waking up, feeling the burning
                                   dig into your skin.
                              No cold wind or snow,
                                 Just the warm air.
                              So many things to do,
                               not knowing where to start.
                                  Realizing its summer,
                                  Realizing its time to relax.

                                       The sun still up,
                                     warming the earth.
                             People walking, kids playing,
                                    Enjoying the summer air.
                               No cold, no snow, no wind.
                                Just the warm summer air
                                 everywhere you go.

  The reason I wrote the poem "Summer" is because summer is my favorite season. Throughout the whole summer there are so many things to do. Summer is busy, yet relaxing. Fun, yet exhausting. Calm, yet loud. Summer is everything at once. When I wrote the lines, "So many things to do, not knowing when to start. Realizing its summer, Realizing its time to relax.", I was referring to how many fun things you can do in summer, however still have time to relax. My inspiration for this poem
was the nice weather in summer, the vacations and all the fun.
   This poems meaningful to me because summer is the time of the year when I don't have to worry about school or homework. I just get to relax. Another reason summer is very special to me is because many of my family members birthday's occur in the summer, including mine. Most importantly, summer is the time were I get to destress and relax. There is no cold weather that prevents me from enjoying the air. There is no wind that makes me stay inside. And there is no snow that can make dress warmly. In summer I can just sit outside and enjoy the nice warm air. In summer I get to clear my mind and just rest. School is over, no more work. No more test. Just relation. This is why summer is my favorite season. This is why I wrote this poem.

  Poem #8
                                You wake up feeling amazing,
                                then most important person in the
                                world, being excited for the day to start.
                                Many phone calls, text and cards.
                                Wishing you the best.
                                Feeling like a celebrity being followed.
                                Being the center of attention.
                                Feeling on top of the world.
                                The words,"Happy Birthday"
                                flying around the whole day.
                                The day felt long and tiering,
                                but the feeling was worth it.
                                Presents, cake, cards and love
                                all on your 
                                special birthday.

Journal #8  The reason I wrote the poem "Birthdays" is to everyone realize that everyone has their own special day which is their birthday. The reason I wrote this poem is to explain that on your birthday, its about you. This is seen in the poem when I explain in lines 1 and 2 that you wake up feeling amazing. You wake up feeling like the most important person ever. This poem means a lot to me because my birthday feels like the one day a year I could shine and stick out in a good way. When I wrote the line,  " Being the center of attention. Feeling on top of the world.", I was referring to how on your birthday you are the "celebrity" of the whole day.
  My inspiration for this poem was going to my friends birthday party and watching everyone go there for her. This gave me the idea that today was her day to shine and stand out. I also realized that her happiness didn't leave her once that day. This made me think about how when it is your birthday, your emotions are as positive as can get.
  In the poem I explain how you would feel on your birthday. Birthdays can be so many different things at once. They can be exciting, but a little bit scary. Tiering, yet fun. Loud or even LOUDER. Happy, yet sad.Mostly loving AND caring. When I say that birthdays can be sad or scary, I mean that they can hurt your family since you are getting older. However, your birthday is also a vey positive thing because you are getting older and maturing. This is why I wrote the poem "Birthdays".



                                      Kids are running, having fun, 
                               some sitting on benches, 
                           enjoying the sun.  Kids having
                                     a blast, not wanting to 
                                         go home.  
                     Wanting to stay at the park. 
                                    Continuing to play,
                                 pretending the hasn't come to an end.
                            The cold wind has now took over,
                                 dragging the dark sky 
                                             behind it, 
                              just like the parents and the kids
                                forcing people to leave.
                         Everyone is gone, not one person
                                             in sight
                                The only thing left
                                                 is the cold dark night.
                              As the next day begins,
                                                          fun starts.


              I wrote the poem"Parks" because it reminded me of my childhood. I wanted the person who is reading this poem to be reminded of the memories of their childhood. This poem was meant to make someone sad, happy and someone angry think of not wasting their time being upset, but thinking of good and happy things that put a smile on their face. When I think of the memories I had in the park when I was younger, it puts a smile on my face to, even if they weren't the best memories. In the poem above, there is a sudden change of tone I added, referring to the negative and positive memories. When I added the simile " dragging the dark night behind it, just like the parents and kids", I meant that the kids were having so much fun, they didn't want to leave. This poem is meaning -ful to me since it reminds me of how I would always go with my grandparents. I cherish these moments a lot. After the negative change in tone, I added a positive ending to bring back good and happy memories. I wrote, " As the next day begins, the fun starts". This line expresses how good memories are found in the littlest events. Even the littlest events can hold something valuable. When I went to the park with my cousin when I was younger it was loud, yet quiet. Calm, yet exciting. Happy , yet sad. Scary, yet safe. The moments I had at the park will always be in my memory. I will never forget them. This poem was mostly made to bring back childhood memories. Not only for me, but for whoever is reading it. This is why I wrote the poem "Parks'.

Poem #10                     Holidays!

                                                   Opening up presents,
                         not knowing what you will find.
                              Family everywhere,
                           Laughter and happiness
                              filled the room.
                       Not a bad vibe the whole time.
                              Complements, excitement,
                                     FUN and JOY.
                             Different meals, coming and going.
                                     Staying up late,
                              Having a BLAST!
                          The thought hits you, of the 
                               night being over.
                       Enjoying the night while it lasts, 
                                          continuing to have a blast...

Journal #10 The reason I wrote the poem "Holidays" is because holidays are the times you get to sit and be with your family. This poem is is very meaningful to me because my family does their best to keep me safe. When I celebrate holidays, it is always with my cousins and parents.  When I wrote the line, "Family everywhere, laughter and happiness filled the room", I was referring to how when you are with your family, usually there are only positive vibes. When you are with your family there are so many different emotions you can feel. Happy, yet sad. Tired , yet awake. Feeling calm, yet not calm. Talkative, yet speechless. My point is that when you are with your family, different types of emotions come out.
   My inspiration for this poem was recently going to my cousins house with my parents and realizing that we spend a lot of time together. I was inspired by this because I realized how I spend every holiday with them and how they influence my actions. I was also inspired by a telivisision series where the family would come together everyday and enjoy each others presents. This telivisision show made me realize that your family is always there for you. In this poem I add a lot of words that sand out. The words that are in different color have special meanings. For example, the word
fun and joy stand out because they have a deep meaning in this poem. They stand for positive emotions and positive attitudes. The word "blast" is also colored because it has a specific meaning to this poem. The word "blast" means having fun and enjoying your time in this poem. This poem has a lot of meaning to me .This is why I wrote this poem.


  1. Your poem is very creative and has a variety of topics

  2. I love how your poems vary. They are very sophisticated as well!
