Thursday, May 19, 2016

Daria's poem #7 Seasons

The seasons remind me of unusual things. 
Image result for snowflakes
Like winter..
Snow reminds me of soft serve ice cream.

Falling snow reminds me falling coconut shavings.
And Christmas trees just look like hats stacked on each other.
And the star on the top of the tree just looks like Patrick Star.

Like spring...
The flowers just look like nature's bed.
The animals just wake up to live again.
And the clouds look like...
um well...
Image result for fall art

Like fall...
To be honest, everything's dead.
But in a strange beautiful way.
Everything a shade of orange yellow and brown.
And leafs challenge each other to races,
as they blow in the wind. 
Image result for summer

Like summer...
We're waves and the ocean looks like they're dancing
We're palm tree are slow dancing with the waves,
dancing to the music of the waves rushing over the sand.
Everything so nice and relaxing. 


This poem was pretty straight forward. It's just about seasons. With a little twist. How I see the seasons. Since I am a weird person, I expected this poem to be interesting and funny.
To be honest, I didn't really work so hard on in since. For 1 reason, I just wrote about how I see the seasons. Which is pretty easy for me. And second, in my opinion, you should be free when writing poetry.  I liked to way the poem turned out. But however, I did have to think a little like what snow looks like and compare it with something else.
There weren't any special techniques I tried to use. I know that I used a lot of similes. For example,” And Christmas trees just look like hats stacked on each other.” I also did a lot of compare and contrasts. For example, “ Snow reminds me of soft serve ice cream.” And another one was, ” Falling snow reminds me falling coconut shavings.”
All in all, the poem turned out just how I wanted and planned to. Funny, weird, and silly. I also tried to make it creative, by adding pictures above every stanza for each season. I also tried to be creative with the comparing and contrasting. And most importantly and ESPECIALLY the similes and metaphors.

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