Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Danial Story Poem Journal #3


What is Poetry?
Well poetry can be anything.
Poetry is the writing on a paper.
Poetry is friendship.
Poetry can be anything you want it to be.
Poetry is Music.
Poetry is The sun shining.
Poetry is The leaves blowing.
Poetry is birds chirping.
The Sun setting.
Poetry is the fireflies glowing.
Poetry is The Moon Showing.
Poetry is the crickets chirping.
Poetry is Anything.
          Think of.
Poetry is From the Heart. <3

Danial Story Poem Journal #3
I was inspired to write this poem when I asked myself, "What is Poetry?" I came up with many answers that fit the description of Poetry. I decided to write it in a poem. Because the best way to show what poetry is, is using Poetry! I started off my poem with a question. I asked, "What is Poetry?" I decided to do this to make my reader come up with his own answer. As I said in my poem "Poetry is anything and everything that you can think of." My inspiration wasn't only asking the question it was coming up with the answers. Poetry can be everything. Literally anything you can think of. For example, poetry can be going to school or sleeping, and writing a poem on what poetry is. Poetry isn't just a bunch of words that rhyme. Poetry is a work of art. It can only be created if you are unique. You can be a follower. If you follow then you can't make your own special ideas. Those special ideas are what makes you unique. And to write a Poem you have to be unique and creative. You must use your imagination to create the best of the best poems. So I created this poem on what poetry is. These are my ideas, but everyone has different things.

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