Thursday, May 19, 2016

Qiu Shan's Story Poems/Journals

Qiu Shan's Story Poem/Journal  #1

Time is a powerful force,
that have powers to change everything.
And drives lives into a hard and long course
that is full of regrets and pain.

Time puts an end to everything.
An event that many fears.
While some don't even try fighting,
and just accept their fate.

Despite death, time also can heal
the wounds cut by blades, actions, or words.
But it could fail to keep the wound seal,
and reopen the wound

Why must everything come to an end,
some may ask themselves.
It's something we can't defend.
There must be an end to start a beginning.

Story Poem Journal

     This poem states out the power of time. Time can end lives of people and cause buildings to fall. Some have tried escaping the "end", while others just take it. Or time can heal the wounds that is cut physically or mentally. By the wounds the cut mentally, I mean offensive words, lies, and betrayal. But overtime, if the wound is left unattended, it can have a negative effect. At the end, things must "end" for others to have a "start" For example, the old trees must fall for the saplings to have room and light to grow. Another example is the old empire have to fall before the people to start a new one. 
      I got the idea for this while I was exploring the internet. Partly because that's where great inspiration for ideas comes from. It's also because I don't really have a life and don't want to leave my room. I was watching random scenes  of One Piece, and I somehow ended up at the part where the main character's brother, Ace died. This "ending" have started many things. It started a new era in the show, a plot twist, and an army of haters of the creator of the show for killing one of the coolest characters. Then, I think to myself that this would make a good poem for my ELA project. 
      It was pretty hard for me when I wrote this poem. I tried to make it rhyme, which is hard because my vocabulary isn't the best. Also it's because I was eating my lunch and watching a Youtube video while trying to write it. You gotta make the best out of your vacation. I also had a difficulty putting my ideas into words. I'm never very good at doing that.

Qiu Shan's Story Poem/Journal #2

Stay Afloat 
Once, there was a boat.
Sailing the wild seven seas,
Struggling to stay afloat.
And fighting against the wild winds.

What if the boat sink,
and let the water in?
It would be gone in a blink,
and die under the ocean

What if the boat stay afloat,
and keep the water out?
It would be like the only goat,
that have survived a wolf attack.

This scenario would be true,
if the ocean are the all
negative in the world,
and the boat is you

Story Poem Journal

    I have written this poem to send a message telling if you don't let the negative comments get inside you, you wont get affected by it. To tell the message, I kind of used metaphors to compare the boat with you and the ocean with the negative comments. If the boat/you let the water/negative comments get inside the boat/you, you will sink and die. By dying, I mean dying on the inside. But if you don't let the water/negative comments get inside the boat/you, you wont be affected. It's easy to survive the negatives in the world.
     I got inspired to write this poem by, of course the internet. I was watching hater comments videos, One Piece and checking out hidden easter eggs in Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag. Then I think to myself it would be cool to put those together and make a poem about it. The negative comments from the hater videos. The ship idea from One Piece and AC 4 Black Flag(main characters are both pirates)  I was thinking how Pewdiepie and Filthy Frank is keeping the hater comments out of them and making come backs about the hater comments. As long as you don't let the haters' comments get inside, they won't get you.
     The way I wrote this poem is a little different from the normal poems we usually sees. Instead of slowly telling the message though out the poem, it reveals the message at the end. With a sense of randomness in the beginning then clearing it with a connection. Some might have to reread the poem to fully understand it. It's pretty cool writing a poem in this style. But I hard a hard time finding words that rhymes and make sense. Also it's kind of hard to keep the poem in the size of a poem.

Qiu Shan's Story Poem/Journal #3

What We Had
During our hard and long lives,
we have many things but not know it,
and when the end arrives
that's when we visualizes what we have.

As a kid, we had freedom,
but we didn't know it .
What we've done seems dumb
with the freedom we once had.

As a kid, we got time,
but we didn't use it well
Something we've lost during our lifetime
as we grow older.

As a kid, we had love,
but we didn't try to feel it.
As it's gone like a dove
flying away and disappear.

Story Poem Journal

    You know how you never know how much something is wroth until you've lost it? This poem is a  message telling that. It's not only with the things we lost, but sadly it's the same with freedom, time, and love. As we grow, we loose many things and only ending regretting that we hadn't use them to the fullest. Only when we lost these treasures is when we found it's worth. This is sad but it is the truth. In fact, I did loose the freedom I once had when I have to go to middle school and Saturday school. 
     I got inspired to write this poem because of a video game character's letter to his wife. This character is Ezio Auditore Da Firenze, a character that the gamers know every well. We gamers had seen the scene of his birth all the way to his death. Before Ezio died, he wrote a letter to his wife explaining how at a young age, he didn't see what he had and used it to the fullest. But at the last days of his life, this confusion had turned into a sense of happiness. This letter that he wrote got me thinking how people don't know the worth of something until they loose it. Also the fact that we will always loose valuables in our lives.
      Of course, I made this poem rhyme on the first and third line like all the other poems. This time, I didn't had much of a hard time making it rhyme. Just telling you, freedom and dumb rhymes. I did use simile in this poem without visualizing it. But the shape of the poem came out kind of weird because there's one line that don't fit the size of the other lines.

Qiu Shan's Story Poem/Journal #4

Video games
 Most people just play games for fun.
People who don't play sees it as,
movies with lots of sword or gun.
But it's more than just a game.

It fills my thirst for adventure,
while I'm in the comfort of my home.
But it fits like a denture,
and not much of a difference.

We know the characters we play as well,
as we know our very own selves.
Their life is like a old seashell,
always dirty, rough, and hard.

It helps me escape this nightmare,
this nightmare known as reality.
Reality isn't always bright and fair,
like we thought it was as a kid.

Story Poem Journal
      This poem explains some reasons why I play video games. "It's fun." is what people mostly say when someone asks them why they play video games. For me, it's more than that. "Video games fills my thirst for adventure." means that I'm able to go explore the unknown like I always wanted in a game. It also fills my thirst for revenge. I take it all out on the NPCs (None player character) or players themselves. I mean you gotta take it out on something when you're surrounded by annoying people all day.
     Sure, the characters we play as have lives are much different than our own lives, which is a good thing. But we've seen them go through their harsh lives on screen. We know what kind of person they are and how they will react to certain circumstances. At the last two lines at the third stanza, I used the old shell to describe the characters we play as' lives. I did it to show that their lives is always rough and hard. By saying their lives are dirty, I mean that their lives are dark and full of violence. They work work in the dark to serve the light.
     The last stanza tells that games help me temporary escape from reality. Playing a game just helps me forget about the annoying people in my school, and also the fact that I have homework and I should be working on it. Some games just makes me feel like I'm in it, even if the graphics aren't too great. Why I want to escape from reality? Well, I don't want to live a paranoid life. Unlike in reality, I don't have the weight of all those responsibilities on my back. If I screw up very bad, I always have the respawn button or restart button unlike in reality.

Qiu Shan's Story Poem/Journal #5

The Cake
Life can be like a cake.
That's full of surprises.
You can never expect,
when and where it lies.

Life can be like a cake.
That have many great layers.
You will have to dig through it.
Among with all the other players.

But life can be like a cake.
That hides many dark secrets.
Secrets like worms and snakes,
under the colorful frosting.

But life can be like a cake.
It's full of darkness and lies.
I'm saying it for goodness sake.
Yes indeed, the cake is a lie.

So which cake will you choose?
A cake that gives you happiness.
Or a cake that leaves you with a bruise.
It's you that chooses out of this randomness.

Story Poem Journal
   The first two stanza of the poem tells about the good in life. A cake can symbolize surprises because a cake can hide things with it's many layers. You can't very expect what's inside a cake. The second stanza kind of adds on to the first stanza, about the surprise thing. You will have to try to explore the unexpected layers. The last two lines tells that you're not the only one thats digging through the layers. The other players are the people in your life.
   The third and fourth stanza is the dark side of life. The third stanza tells how bad things can happen in life. The worms and snakes in the cake shows that even the worst things can hide in something innocent and clean. While the fourth stanza is about the lies in life. Like how we are losing trust of others as we are keep getting fooled. I took the phrase "The cake is a lie" from the game franchise Portal. This time, the cake is a lie.
   The last stanza is a combination of the stanzas before that. The colors, the style of rhyming, and what side of life it refers to is combined in the last stanza. Throughout the poem, I've repeated "(But) life can be like a cake." Which is a simile comparing life and different kinds of cakes. There are two kinds of life/cake you can choose. A good one, or a bad one. You are the one who chooses which life you choose. If you end up with a bad life/cake, remember that it's you that choose this road.

Qiu Shan's Story Poem/Journal #6

A Nightmare
In our very own minds at night,
there are monsters that lives inside.
But they are just all alright.
Compared to the ones in reality.

We all have nightmares as a kid.
Something like embarrassing yourself,
or encountering the terrors that hid.
And I can't wait for this horror to end.

Ah, how foolish I had been.
Trying to break through these gates.
Because even if I break through it,
another nightmare called reality awaits.

Sure never ending nightmares is bad.
But if reality is a nightmare itself,
When I escape, I might not be so glad.
And if that is so, maybe a nightmare is better.

Story Poem Journal
    The first stanza of poem explains that there are scary things in our nightmares. But they they are nothing compared to the "monsters" that live outside of the nightmare. People are the monsters. Yeah, not all people are bad. But remember that everyone has a dark side. For example, the friend you just made might seem nice. But he or she could betray you at anytime. Sure, the monsters in your nightmare are scary. But sometime like a betrayal from the ones you love is worst.
   The second stanza and the third stanza is about how I wanted to escape my nightmares. But once I'm awake, another nightmare awaits. The other nightmare is reality. Every nightmare must come to an end. I got inspired by Five Nights at Freddy's 4. There is theories about this game that the whole game is a nightmare. In the game, there are monsters in your nightmares, but there are also worst ones outside of it. The worst monsters are the character you play as' brothers and his brothers' friends. The "monsters" have give the main character many jump scares and brain problems in an accident. The worst monsters are the ones in reality.
    I also got inspired to write this by the game Neverending Nightmares. In this game, you play through nightmares inspired by the creator's own nightmares and his struggle with OCD. Your goal is to escape the nightmares and monsters like a demon version of yourself with an axe. But at the end, you wake up and horrible things are still happening. The same thing happened to me once. I was having a nightmare and when I woke up, I thought everything was fine. Then I found out I have to go school and I thought, "Maybe the nightmare isn't so bad."

Qiu Shan's Story Poem/Journal #7

Being Different
Our friends or ourselves may have differences.
And others may think we're crazy or weird.
I don't care at all about other's ignorance.
But it might be another story for other people.

Being different makes you a easy prey.
It's the same for animals and humans.
The perderders are feeling great as they play.
While the prey struggles to survive.

When in danger, many runs away.
Which is not the best thing to do.
The perderder is going to find you someday.
You can't always run away from a battle.

What you gotta do is dodge the attacks.
Wear your differences as armor,
so they can't be used to hurt you.
The ones who lives have courage others lack.

Story Poem Journal
       The first stanza tells how some people are different and others think that is equivalent to crazy or weird. I don't very care about what others don't understand about being different. But there are people out there that do care about other's comments. The second stanza is about how being different either on the inside or outside makes you an easy target. It works the same way for the animal kingdom and humanity. The perderders, or in our case, the bully is having fun. While the prey or victim is trying to survive.
      The third stanza explains how prey or people try to run away from the problem. Which is not very a great idea. The perderder is still going to find you one day. Plus, if you leave from a problem, it's only going to get worst. Showing your weakness is the worst thing to do in a battle, even if you are weak. Running away means that you have failed and it's the end for you. 
       The last stanza explains how to deal with the problem. You need to dodge the attacks, which means not letting their comments get under your skin. The line, "Wear your differences as armor" mean show out your differences and be proud of it. Your armor can't be used to hurt you. Victory don't come easily though. You must have courage and work for it to get it. In the poem, I had used a metaphor to compare perderder and prey to bully and victim. Both the prey and victim are spotted because they are different.

Qiu Shan's Story Poem/Journal #8


We all have friends, I hope so.
There are true friends and fake friends.
Sometimes, it's hard to tell though.
If someone is a real friend or not.

Sure, true friends sometimes troll you.
But at the end, we just all laugh it off.
That is something that fake friends do too.
Expect that only they are the only ones laughing.

True friends are the ones who help you up,
well, after they finish laughing at you.
Fake friends just laugh and backup.
And don't even bother to help.

True friends are the hardest to find.
We may have fake friends and know it.
But we should always keep in mind,
Are you a real friend in return?

Story Poem Journal
    The first stanza of the poem tells how there are real friends and fake friends. Fake friends are basically bullies that make others believe they are friends. In the first line, I added in the awkward tone to show that having no friends is kinda sad. I also added it for rhyming purposes. I made this poem rhyme to add in a musical feeling to it. But also to make it not look like I didn't work too hard on it. I mean, a rhyming poem has a great tone to it.
    The second stanza tells the difference between a true friend and a fake one. From personal experiences, there is a lot of trolling going on between my friends and I. We still have fun and no one gets hurt emotionally. Yeah sometimes we play fight and always have a truce. Probably seconds later, another fight of slapping faces and back-slapping happens again. That is something that fake friends do too. But the fight kind of never ends. Plus, only the fake friends/bullies are attacking and the only ones having fun.
    The third stanza adds on to the second stanza. When you fall, your true friends will help you up. After they finish laughing at you. It may sound mean, but at the end, no one gets offended. Yeah, fake friends laugh at you. But they will just stand there and laugh at you. The last stanza tells that to keep in mind of the fact that are you a true friend to your friends. If not, then your playing the villain.

Qiu Shan's Story Poem/Journal #9

A Knight and His Horse
What is the difference between a knight and his horse?
You may think one is a human and walks on two feet.
And the other is a horse and walks on four feet of course.
But that is not the only thing that is different.

Why does the knight rides the horse and command it.
While the horse have to follow the knight's orders.
Why does the horse follow orders and don't benefit.
It's all because the knight have more power.

What if the horse gains more power than the knight.
The horse will gain control and take over.
While the knight gets devoured and lose his might.
Just because the change in power.

The next time you think someone is greedy.
Just keep in mind what happened to the knight.
If people lose power, their life wont be easy.
The greed for power is part of our instincts.

Story Poem Journal
    This poem starts off with a scenario to show a message. In the scenario, there is a knight with his horse. The knight can command his horse just because he has more power. The horse have to follow the commands because he lacks power. So what if the horse gains more power than the knight? If that happens that would be crazy. The horse would be commanding the knight instead. But that's never going to happen in reality cause horses can't very gain much power.(Though that will be cool to see.)
     The message this scenario tells is about greed. There is nothing wrong with being greedy for power. These days, power comes from money, fame, and knowledge. Being greedy is part of our fear of being overthrown. Just like what happened to the knight in this scenario. Plus, our greed came from our survival instincts. Like how animals always want as much land and food they can get.
     Of course, I got my ideas from the internet, to be more specific,The Game Theorists. I don't remember what the video was, or the game MatPat was making a theory on. But I do remember it's about a game with a plot where a guy tries to gain full control over the world by gaining control over the electricity. The video explains how humanity's greed for power is from our evolution. After that, my mom asked me if I have any homework and I thought to myself that I should write a poem that is related to this for my ELA project.

Qiu Shan's Story Poem/Journal #10

Running Out of Ideas
"God dammit." I said as I tried to get more ideas.
I really need to write another poem but I just can't.
It's due on Friday and I have not much time.
My ideas are dying like an unwatered plant.

So I tried to looking for ideas to write a poem about.
First place I went to is, no duh, the internet.
Of course, I couldn't find any ideas like I've doubt.
I have already found most of my ideas there.

The next thing I tried is looking for ideas around me.
But there isn't any good ideas in my life.
I don't see I could make a good poem,
about how I've cut my finger again with a knife.

I was about to give up and accept my fate.
Then, I had this crazy idea and thought,
"Maybe I won't hand in my ELA project late."
And you've just read my crazy idea.

Story Poem Journal
    This poem is a poem about how I wrote this poem and it sounds very weird, even to me as I'm writing this. Like I said, I really did ran out of ideas while I was trying to write this. In the first stanza, I added some dialog for like the first time in my project. Even though it was very little, I've kinda of felt like I got an achievement. I've made the second and fourth line rhyme to add a musical feeling like all my other poems. I didn't make the first and third line rhyme because I couldn't think of a word that rhymes with ideas. I also added in a simile so I can sneak the word plant in there.
    In the second stanza, I legitly wrote what I did when I was trying to find ideas for another poem. Yeah, I always go on the internet for a sparkle that can light up my imagination. The problem is that I already got like a lot of my ideas from the internet. Also I keep getting distracted and completely forget about my project. In this stanza, I made the first line and third line rhyme. I did it so I can kind of create a rhyming pattern throughout the stanzas. Also because I can't think of a word that rhymes with internet and fits into the poem.
    The third stanza adds on to how I was trying to find ideas for my poems. I tried look for ideas in my daily life. But there isn't something you can make a good poem from in my life. Like I getting another cut on my finger from a knife or the annoying birds in my neighborhood. The last stanza is about when I finally found the idea to write a poem about me trying to find an idea. It's kind of like self-creation, when something is the cause of it's own creation.

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