Friday, May 20, 2016

Poem Journal All Poems/Journals #1-#10 Brandon Zayas

New York City #1
New York city is like a jungle,
Noise so loud makes the city half deaf
Cars, stores, people, everywhere you look,
"BEEP" "BEEP" on a daily basis.

New York city is my home,
New York is like a pot soup,
 Filled all the way to the top,
With a new adventure everyday, 
Comes a new beginning everyday.

Please stay New York city,
Please let me stay with you on this journey,
Family, Friends, Pets everyday,
Walk down the street,
With that smile on their face.

Poem Journal 1 ("New York City)

           The Poem "New York City", is about my experience living in the big apple. It is New York city is big, filled with excitement and many more. The line  where it says "New York city is like a jungle" is a simile about New York city being so big and crowded. The way I thought of this poem was at night time when I was looking out my window and I remember saying, "Man this city never sleeps'", then it hit me about this would be a great idea for a poem. Since every day is like a new beginning and a new adventure everyday, is the way I see NewYork city. Every body walking down the street with joy and glee on their face.
            When I said the lines, "Family, Friends, Pets, Walk down the street, With that smile on their face," it was saying how many people I see smiling with a friend, a family member, a pet, they always seem so happy. In my opinion it is New York that is giving everyone a grin. I also compared New York city to a pot of soup always filled to the top, because I thought since it was so big that the soup was the people, buildings, animals, and many more. There is just a lot of things in that pot of soup. I heard honking everyday on the streets, so honking is not something you would not here on a day to day basis in New York city. 
            I never want to leave New York city and move to another place. This is because New York city is my home, and where I grew up. New York filled with excitement, and I really don't want to miss out on any of that even though sometimes I will. When I wrote the lines, "Please let me stay with you on this journey", I was expressing that I want to be in New York until the end of time, and one day I hope nothing brings me apart living in the great city of New York. Even though I will be going on vacation and spending time with my family, or traveling the world cause I really would like to someday, New York will always be my first home!

Spring Break #2
Finally it has begun,
This is what I have been waiting for,
"YAY" I screamed every morning
The sun was burning my window,
Ready for spring break

The flowers bloomed with excitement,
Kids playing outside in the beautiful weather,
As the sun blisters through my skin,
I think about the amount of no school work,
"Man this sun is as hot as an asteroid"

Meeting up with friends at the park,
Throwing sunscreen all over my self,
Getting ready for a week of greatness,
Knowing that waking up tomorrow,
That school is closed.

Poem Journal 2 (Spring Break)
               I created the poem spring break because I wanted to show how happy was during spring break. Every time I woke in the morning I was thrilled with excitement  all the days I was spending the weekdays at home and going outside to play with some of my friends. The first morning of vacation I looked out my window and saw the flowers blooming and all kids playing outside. It was so hot and finally I could start wearing a short sleeve shirt and some shorts. I was relieved that I did not have to be in the shivering cold with a big coat that makes me look like the hulk and it feels uncomfortable. I really was ready for spring break for a long time.
                The line I wrote, "The sun was burning my window" was line to say that it was very hot outside. I know that I have to go to school, but sometimes you just got to get some fun. I am not saying that school is bad or anything, it is just that it kind of gets boring. I was so happy to be going on vacation to go hang out with friends, and watch movies, and spend time with family. It was actually so hot that it felt like I was touching asteroid in the earths atmosphere. It was Monday, and when I woke up the next day it was no school. Even though spring break was late it was still a great week of fun.
                The line that I wrote, "Getting ready for a week of greatness" was expressing how happy I was for the week that we were going to have off from school. School has been constant and getting repetitive its just, so long. Now we had a week off from it and it feels great to finally be free. Even though I like my teachers in all, its just the constant work. The only reason why I like school a little bit is because lunch and recess. What inspired me to write this poem was when I woke up Saturday morning, first day of vacation, I knew how good of a week it will be before it happened. I thought it would be a good idea for a poem. So I started typing!

The Voice In My Head #3
To be a shepherd not a sheep,
To have a voice in life,
To create, to destroy,
Discover the beauty that is called life,
Find my path. 

Or lead my own,
Being myself needs work,
So does understanding myself,
Figuring out the future wastes time,
Focus on the present.

People are not mirrors,
No one knows you,
Like you and no one else,
Forget what hurt you,
But never forget what it taught you.

Poem Journal 3 (The Voice In My Head)
              In my poem, I express something that I have that might be strange to some people. It is a voice. A voice that tells me positive things everyday. Putting a great big smile on my face. Friends and family say they know me best, but I know me better than anyone. I know what I put my mind, I stick to it. I try to make my family proud. To create happiness in their life. Even though, I don't need to change who I am to make my family love me. I know that they care for me every second of the day. Sometimes I want to change who I am, be a better person. I just can not seem to figure it out. I love who I am and nothing can change that. I will not change who I am for nobody.
               The voice in my head tells me, " Don't change who you are, not even for a girl". Things that hurt you such as, falling down, lets you know not to make the same mistake twice. Watch where I am walking. Where I said, "To be a shepherd not a sheep" I was stating that I should not follow anybody, and that I should be my own person. I really do not care who does or doesn't like me to be honest. If I waste time trying to convince them to be my friend, Im just wasting life.I have learned this from the past from an old friend. I know to still keep my head held high. Be a leader to yourself only for your self. Be the best you, you can be. 
                What inspired me to write t˙is poem was when I was sitting on my computer, scrolling through the internet. I watched a video titled my life story. The video was about a girl who wrote her life story on cards. This girl is known as Amanda Todd. She made lots of mistake and did not know what to do. Sadly, a couple months later she killed herself. This is made me think, why be sad when you can be happy. Sometimes there is always a bumpy in road in your life, but you have to find away to keep your balance. This is why I decided to write this poem about the voice in my head. It always gave me great advice

My Family #4
My family is kind,
 Always here for me,
They help me when I need it most,
 I gotta family of four,
with one cat.

I love my family equally
When one is feeling blue,
I'll say, " Let me comfort you",
 My family is the best,
 I can ever wish for.

Even though sometimes I get in trouble,
 It is only fair,
That I listen to them so I can
 learn from my mistakes 
 They always know whats best for me.

Poem Journal 4 (My Family)
                   I wrote this poem because I wanted to show how much I love my family. My family is always here for me when I need it most. They always care for me. They buy me lots of things too. In my opinion, the gift I need from them is love. They are every step of the way with me. I can count of them any day. I trust my family more than anything. I know they would do nothing at all to hurt me in any kind of way. When I get in trouble sometimes I argue with them but that is how usually families work. Bicker and that, but you still love each other and I think that is really all that matters. Having a good family is lucky. I got some of that luck.
                   The lines I wrote, "When one is feeling blue I say,"let me comfort you"". This line meant that even when Im feeling down in the dumps, my family is here to keep my head held high. This poem also relates to the poem I wrote about, "The Voice In My Head", because it talks about how both encourage to keep my head held high. One time I got home and my mom saw that I was video games when I was not supposed to be playing. She got really mad because she said she trusted me and I let her down. So in return I punished myself because I knew what I did was very wrong and disrespectful. I told her I will not play video games for 3 weeks.
                   What Inspired me to write this poem was just being around and hanging around with my family. My family has been the best family I can ever wish for . They have been supportive of me and they make me want to move forward in life. Like I said before it connects to the other poem I wrote before. I thank my parents for being in my life. Without them it would be heart-breaking. I know someday will come where they will not be here anymore, but I know they will always be inside my heart. I hope one day I end up like them and I also dream to work beside my father being a photographer because I love taking pictures!

Video Gaming #5
Video Gaming is the bread butter for me,
Gaming is my other life,
I call it a good life,
Addicting to the bone,
Want all day everyday.

Comes to a stop,
Focus on work and school,
When that stuff is done,
Hop online and find things to do,
Go get that Master Score.

Fun things are fun,
But important things are important,
Gaming can not be your life,
Too short to waste,
I wonder will this affect me?

Poem Journal 5 (Video Gaming)
                      I wrote this poem because I wanted to show my love for video games and some consequences that will happen if all you do is play video games. Online is one of my favorite things to do. You can play games, watch things, meet new people. This can also drift you away from people though. For example, your family. You are so addicted to the game that you do not focus on important things like, personal hygiene, spending time with your family, playing with your siblings, meeting new people, getting fresh air, and many more. This is coming a personal experience when I was so addicted to the game League of Legends, that it was turning me into a different person.
                    What inspired me to write this poem was Jason. We were playing a video game together and talking about poems that would be interesting to write about and he was like, "Video Games". Im like boom! In my head I was thinking I can write about the affects of playing video games and the outcomes of playing video games. Sometimes me and my friends enjoy just kicking back and playing some video games when we are in the middle of doing our homework. Sometimes you just gotta let loose even though you have to do homework. We do eventually get back to doing our homework. A little background information about how I got the idea to write a poem about video games.
                    The line I wrote, "Video gaming is my bread and butter", is a metaphor that video games is like my life. To me I love bread and butter so this is my way of saying I love video games. Comes a time in life where you can not virtually use it. Figure out away in the world and talk to people. The tone of my poem was excitement because, I was all happy about  being able to play video games, but then it slowley progressed in a serious tone of the outcomes when getting addicted to video games. Sometimes I call my friends then get mad at me for "Interrupting their game" which I found very ridiculous.

Burned Inside Haiku #6
Fired up inside
Anger will not rest
Until true revenge has taken its best

Poem Journal 6 (Burned Inside Haiku)

                      The Haiku I wrote "Burned Inside",was expressing my anger feelings toward another person. This person framed me and lied to me about many things. Disrespected my family. Trust me don't want to post who you want to make fun of on social media. Word gets around. Once it spread game over. I want to take revenge. I thought instead of going back at the person, I should rather go and do it a mature way. So what I did was that I wrote it out. It reminded me of the superhero the human torch. He would burn up inside and go into flames. At least it did not feel like you got punched in the stomach while on fire.
                     The line I wrote, "Fired up inside" was where I was at my maddest. I started to slightly get happier knowing that my revenge is one of smartest there will ever be. Called being mature. Makes me feel good. Anger is an obstacle and a good one. You gotta be able to feel anger. Feeling angry is not a bad thing. This could mean you take different points of view from things. You might think getting a good grade is very good when you realize why you got a 99% and 100% was because you added wrong makes you angry at yourself. Start questioning how dumb you could be to get a silly question like that wrong!
                     What inspired me to write this poem was three things. One, somebody decided to say mean things about me, two, I wanted to take revenge out on this person, three, I was mature about this decision. I wrote as a poem because it would be a good small haiku that can relate to the reader, because everybody has to have felt anger before. If the reader can relate to the poem, then the reader can understand the poem. The tone of the poem is angry because I stated many things when people are usually angry at someone. This is why my poem has a very angry tone and why I was inspired to write this poem

Hug Me Im Scared #7
Please do not leave
Im scared 
The monster, 
The zombie
The closet
The end of the world
The day I die
The picture of Jeff
Hug me Im Scared
It is so dark in hear
I can not hear a thing
In the night he haunts me
Look there he is
He is coming
For us

Poem Journal 7 (Hug Me Im Scared)
                    I wrote this poem to frighten the audience. Maybe some nightmares won't hurt. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Let the fears take over inside your body. Crawling through your vanes and out. Just kidding, this poem is unique from some of my others because it is not about anger or happiness it's about.....SCARYNESS. Poems are aloud to be about anything. No matter what the tone of your poem is that is has a feeling or gives a feeling off to the readers. In my opinion I like getting scared. It is fun and teaches me to get stronger. This poem is also based off of an event that happened to me when I was really little.
                   What inspired me to write this poem was when my friend told me to open a link and that it was "really funny". It was really a jump scare page. It was not scary at all, but it reminded me at the time when I was afraid of many things. I used to be afraid of the dark. I used to believe that ghosts were real and that they haunt me when I sleep. Then it hit me. I should make a poem about something makes people afraid. Has a different tone and unique idea. To me most poems are like, you learn a serious lesson out of it. Poems do not always have to have a moral even though mine does. Mine is to be afraid. There is no such thing as a bad moral!
                  Where I wrote the line, "He is coming for us all", was a quote that I stated that a monster is going to kill and eat us all. Thanks to my cousin who convinced me at that age that monsters, and ghosts were real. To me remembering that there would be no such as thing as this poem. This is why I wrote this poem.

Time #8
Time is a limit,
We don't have all the time in the world,
Make the most out of it,
Don't waste it,
Time is a limit.

Make your life on here worth it,
Change something,
Build something,
Destroy something,
Before you run out.

Time is a limit,
Look your almost out,
And don't stop,
Time is a limit.

Poem Journal 8 (Time)
                       I wrote this poem because I wanted to show that we are running out of time. Soon we will not see each other anymore. This feeling of breathing in and breathing out, we won't feel it anymore. We will not feel anything once we have run out. Do something with your life before it is too late. The Earth is slowly going into a black hole and so will you in another 100 years. See nobody got a life where time is unlimited. This message is trying to state that you shouldn't be crying over your boyfriend dumping you, you should get up and move on with your life. Soon you will not be able too move on with anything. "Make your life on here worth it", ( Stated in the poem). If you keep going you will get somewhere.
                     What inspired me to write this poem was looking out my window and seeing how much people waste time on technology and bickering about foolish stuff like the Kardashians. They should be bickering about how they need money to feed their families are discussing what are the next steps. People should be more talking to people then less spending time talking to each other through technology. Everybody needs time. To do homework, talk to family, play with toys, and much more. Until they have used the limit. Time has let you go. That is the point in your life when you look back on many things and say, "Wow I missed out on so many great opportunities".
                     The line I wrote, "Look your almost out, run, run, run, and don't stop", was a lesson that you should keep moving on. Some people decide to take action upon themselves and end their time on Earth. Do not end your time by yourself. Let time end its self on you. What I am trying to say is wait until your time runs out!

Music #9
Make it wonderful,
Words are beautiful,
Snippety Snap,
Put it into rhythm,
You gotta beautiful song.

Dance freely,
Move your body,
You got so much to show,
Let the music,
Flow through your body.

"Looking for revenge",
"All summer sixteen",
Feel the music,
The music is a generation,
That will live on forever.

Poem Journal 9 (Music)
                I wrote this poem because I wanted to express my feelings towards music. I really like music because it doesn't matter what you say. People shouldn't make fun of you for the song you listen to. Music is not bad. You can dance to it. Dancing also can help you. Sometimes I listen to music while I am just sitting at home not doing anything. Music can be an inspiration for your life or maybe the kind of tone to make you do your best. For example the song Fight by Rachel Platten, encourages you stand up for yourself and rebel against things that you do not believe. Maybe you can use this song as the motivation to push you to do your best.
               What inspired me to write this poem was when I was doing my homework, with my music playing in the background. In my head I thought, "Isn't music a poem?." That is when I hoped on my computer and started typing. Music not in your life is a missed chance. Music expresses who you are. Once you listen to different types you may find classical music more entertaining than pop music. I mean you could like all different types. When it says, "flow through your body", was trying to state that you have to feel the music. When you feel it, let your body do the rest. Music is a great gift, but we won't have it forever.
              Ever since I was a little boy I listened to music and thought that it was the greatest thing in the world. It just can make you so happy and feel good on the inside. In the third stanza, I added lyrics from one of my favorite songs called, "Summer Sixteen" by Drake. The song talks about how he wants to find revenge on the person who stole his money. He decides to take his anger out through a song!

Where Do My Poems Begin #10
My poems begin from my mind and out
At the dinner table,
Even coming from my mouth
They can begin on my desk,
Or a pencil

My poems begin from a rainbow
Even the sun
I love my poems like my family
Poems let me be myself
Without a second take

My poems begin from my friends and family
These poems I will treasure
What great memories they hold
Within them is my life
"Hey there is a poem right there"

Poem Journal 10 (Where Do My Poems Begin)
                   I wrote this poem to explain where my poems begin. The reader can understand my poem because they most likely have experienced this too. Sometimes without even realizing it. That is why I really love poems. They can be anything you want them to be. Poetic devices could be as simple as rhyming. Or a metaphor. Poems can begin anywhere. You just need to sprinkle some imagination to believe it. This poem kind of can reflect on who you are on the inside because I did not specifically say who I am on the inside. I am more of a private person although this poem can reveal who you are as a person on the inside
                What inspired me to write this poem was when I was writing a poem for homework and I was thinking how I was going to write about. Then I burped and I got a funny poem. This relates to line where I wrote, "Even your mouth". Sometimes you can say two words that can turn into poems. I have been writing poems for a long time now and poems usually come from memories. This is known as a memoir poem. Memoir poems are poems based off of memories you have had. These are where most of my poems begin and mostly other peoples poems begin to. This is what inspired me to write this poem
                The line where I wrote, "My poems begin from my friends and family", was trying express that sometimes my friends and family would say funny or serious things to me. I can use those words they have said to me and turn them into poems. This is why I wrote the poem, "Where Do My Poems Begin".



  1. I like your collection because it had a variety of different topics, and it was very creative

  2. I liked your poetry collection because I really liked the pictures, and creativity you put into it.It was also really colorful, which i liked.

  3. I liked your poetry collection because I really liked the pictures, and creativity you put into it.It was also really colorful, which i liked.

  4. Your poems are creative! Great job!

  5. I really liked how most of your poems were really creative and also how they had there own unique way to be read.

  6. I like that you were very creative with your poems. You added interesting That inspired me!
