Saturday, May 21, 2016

Story poetry #10 

My friends!

My friends, will always be there for me
will always be like my sisters.
I can show them anything, and say anything. 
I feel safe with them. can tell them any
little insecurity I have. 
My friends are like an umbrella on a rainy day.
Always protecting me and give me courage. 
Friends are my great big bear 
 hug after a long day!
Friends will always be my side no matter what. 
Always catching me when I fall. 
 The sunshine to my day.
Whenever I need anything, 
or need to spill something on my mind.
Always there to listen about what I have to say. 
Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we get into fights, but 
we will always make up, like friends do. 

Story Poetry Journal #10

I wrote this poem because I was thinking about my friends and how they support me through everything.  In the poem I used some similes and metaphors to deepen the poem. For example,  I said"my friends are my umbrella on a rainy day". What this means is that whenever I need something, I can count on them and they'll always be there for me. Another example is when I said "friends are my great big bear hug after a long day."  This means that after a long day, they will make me feel better, and especially make me LAUGH! When I was writing this poem, I also was trying incorporate some creative elements. I wanted the reader to relate, and kind of feel something when they read it. Another example of what I used was, when I said " the sunshine to my day". What this means is that they are like the highlight to my day, and something I enjoy. Something  I look forward too. My friends always have my back, and I can trust them with anything. In the poem, I also included that they are like my sisters. I wrote this because I am very close to them, an can trust them with anything. Well...... mostly anything. Overall, My message about this poem was that you should really think about your friends, an dhow they are basically like your brother or sister. That's how I feel like, with all my friends. They can trust me, and I can trust them. Also, at the end I said that sometimes we will fight, but we will always forgive each other. Sometimes we fight about the most stupidest things, and we don't even realize it. But, we are friends, and that what friends do. 

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