Thursday, May 19, 2016

Danial Story Poem #10 Final one

I look out at my garden.
Bare and hardly there.
The winter was harsh and cold.
The wind was hard and bold.
My plants flowers and trees.
They hid beneath the dirt.
And shed there leaves.
The snow made them unable to breathe.
But i felt the warmth.
The sun beats down on my garden.
Bare and dead.
And i know, though I can't yet see them.
My plants are pushing up.
The heavy dirt is no match for these tiny seeds.
A little rain and some sun.
Their job is never done.
My garden, i look upon colors and life.

Danial's Story Poem Journal #10
I was inspired to write this poem when i looked at my garden. It all started when i had a bad day. I decided to go to my garden. I decided to write a poem that even when things are looking bad they always make their way back up. This can be seen throughout the poem. For example, when the plants seem like they won't grow, they will because the sun and rain helped it back up. If you have a bad day, all you need is a little push. That push will help you up. I was also inspired to write this poem when i saw someone have a bad day, they still got back up. I used Poetic devices in my poem. Such as personification. This can be seen when I wrote, "The Snow made them unable to breathe." and "My plants are pushing up." I also used alliteration. This can be seen when I say, " Bare and hardly there." The words sound the same. My poem is mostly on How you can always get back up. Even if there are obstacles in your way. Its always possible to get back up. For example, my plants got back up after the harsh winter. If they can do it you can do it to.

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