Thursday, May 19, 2016

Danial's Story Poem #8

Cold waves
Image result for bottle drifting away gifWet Sand
Broken shells
An Empty hand
The Lonely Bottle Bobs away
Taken by the waves that never stay.
A note inside
On a watery ride
The ocean carries away my words
I wonder if they will be heard
Maybe a kid from some land
Far away Standing on the sand
He'll see a lonely bottle
and read my note
"peace to you" is what I wrote

Danial Story Poem Journal #8
I was inspired to write this poem because of peace. In this poem, I used many poetic devices. For example, I used personification. This can be seen when I said, "The ocean carries away my words." This is an example of personification because it says that the water carries. Another poetic device is alliteration. I used alliteration. This can be seen when I said, "The Lonely Bottle Bobs away." This is an example of alliteration because the words use the same beginning letters. Bottle and Bob. This poem contains many examples of poetic devices such as alliteration and personification. Another reason I was inspired to write this poem is that everyone is fighting. And no one stops to think about peace. Most fights in the world don't really have a proper cause. You can see these fights everywhere you look. And while they are fighting no one thinks about a life of peace. Where people don't fight over little things. You can make a change in life. Where there is Peace. Peace is a great thing. you just have to know when to use it.

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