Thursday, May 19, 2016

Am I a Brave Poet? (Laiba's StoryPoem4)

Am I a Brave Poet?

Am I a brave poet?
You tell me.
Do I think outside the box?
Maybe, sometimes, usually.

Am I a brave poet?
you tell me.
Do I have my own style?
I at least think I do.

Am I a brave poet?
You tell me.
Do I use unusual topics to write about?
Yes, yes I do.

Am I a brave poet?
You tell me.
Do I use interesting formats?
Yes, indeed I do.

Am I a brave poet?
You tell me.
Am I myself, am I different, am I my own style?
yes, yes, and yes. I AM.
I'm me, myself, and I.


The inspiration behind this poem was to allow people to understand that everybody is different you need to embrace that. In this poem I talk about what makes me different. What is different about me and other poets. And in a way that makes feel like I am special because there is not one person, not one in the world like me.
Another inspiration to this poem is that I want people to know that they have to be brave in this world you can't be safe all the time. You’ll never learn anything that way. It's better to make those mistakes and learn from them then avoid those mistakes and never learn anything and to just hide. Don’t pull yourself into a turtle shell. Open up and be brave. Take those extra steps to become one brave poet that everyone loves. The one poet everyone looks for inspiration in. Be brave with your steps and if you make a mistake, learn from it.
When I say, “Am I a brave poet? You tell me. Am I myself, am I different, am I my own style? yes, yes, and yes. I AM. I'm me, myself, and I.” I mean I'm myself. I’m different from every other person in my class, my grade. And I understand that and I embrace it.
In this poem ask the reader to  tell me if I'm different, if I am first person they’ve ever seen use these exact words, in this order, to explain this point.
Also ask the reader to tell me if I am brave, if what I use is considered brave to them.

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