Thursday, May 19, 2016

Dina's Story Poem 10


School can...
feel impossible. period.

not always,
maybe i even look forward to it,
deep down.
I think I do, I think

Image result for schoolit's the other way around.
Maybe I really hate school.
But I cooperate with school.
I don't think so though.

School used to be an alligator,
that would...
 get me over the sea of life.
But now it's sometimes the leprechaun
waits on the other side of the rainbow.
Only difference is,
I can reach it.

School is...

This poem stemmed out of a simple question, do I like school? Have I always liked school? Have I never liked school? I figured out that my feelings are really layered and complex. They've changed over time. I used to strongly dislike school. Overtime, I started to really enjoy going to school. Now I don't really know how I feel. One day I love school. The next day I don't. I also feel different ways about different things in school. The feelings in this poem also change.
    I did use metaphors in this poem. The first metaphor that I used is, "School used to be the alligator, that would... eventually... get me over the sea of life." This means that I thought of school as something un-enjoyable, but necessary. Alligators are not pleasant creatures, you don't want to deal with them. But you will if it is necessary, to get over the sea of life. I also compared school to a leprechaun on the other side of a rainbow. Leprechauns are creatures you want to encounter. Therefore, this metaphor shows school positively.

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