Thursday, May 19, 2016

My Poems Begin... (Laiba's StoryPoem3)

My Poems Begin...

My poems begin 
in a place dark 
and gloomy
A place like a dark
bear's den contrasting
the bright, crisp, white snow outside it.

My poems begin
in a place busy 
as can be.
A place like inside a bee hive, full
of busy bees.

My poems begin 
in a place full
of inspiration.
A place like an
art gallery for an artist.

My poems begin 
in a place as
quiet as a graveyard.
A place you can 
hear hear a pin drop.

My poems begin
in a place as empty
as can be.
A place like my mind
during school.

My poems begin 
in a place as perfect 
as a perfectionist's mind.
A place as crisp,
straight, and cornered as a square.

My poems begin
in a place as messy
as a pre-school desk.
A place as unorganized as 
Jackson Pollock's paintings.

My poems begin
in a place as colorful
as a kindergarten classroom.
A place like my mind
on the 3rd floor of this school.

My poems begin 
in a place as white 
as un-walked snow.
A place called a
"Winter Wonderland".

My poems begin 
in a place as complicated 
as a biology textbook.
A place full of 
words, pictures, and diagrams.

My poems...
they begin everywhere and anywhere.
It doesn't matter where.


The reason behind this poem is to show and explain that you can find inspiration to write amazing poems anywhere. You really just have to work hard enough to look for it. If I can find inspiration from even the most empty and boring of all places, than so can you.
In this poem, I state, "My poems begin in a place busy as can be. A place like inside a bee hive, full of busy bees." What I mean by this is my poems can begin in places that are full of people, or in this case, bees and I can still pinpoint one small but powerful thing among all the chaos to write about.
I also state, "My poems begin in a place as empty as can be. A place like my mind during school." What I mean by this is that although I can find inspiration in chaotic places, I can still find inspiration in quiet, calm, and empty places. Like when I go to the park late at night, all these thoughts, these memories, and these questions float to my head. But I'm still alone and in an empty place, right?
I also state, "My poems... they begin everywhere and anywhere. It doesn't matter where." What I mean by this is that I, personally, don't need to be in a certain place to be able to write good poems. I can be literally anywhere, on a train, in the car, at school, in my bed, at the dinner table, and I can still come up with something to write about. I also mean that you, yes you, don't need to be at a certain place either. You can be alone on the stairs outside your house and still come up with a poem, or sitting in a cafe and still come up with an idea because if you think hard enough, you just will.
Another reason of this poem is to challenge you. With this poem, I challenge you to go to a place you've never been to for inspiration and come up with a poem. About anything. About the place or another. About your feelings or about the lunch you just ate. Anything. But something that you can actually write about.

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