Wednesday, May 18, 2016

They. (Laiba's StoryPoem2)

They give me love.
They give me support.
They give me help when I need it.

They give me what I need.
They give me life.
They give me hope.

They are the reason why I'm still here.
They are the first people I come to.
They are the reason I never give up.

They are the reason I smile.
They are the reason I laughter.
They are my inspiration.

They understand me.
They protect me.
They have my back.
They never give up on me.


I wrote the poem, "They." because I feel it is important to realize how important family is. Your family are the reason you are still here. When you were a child, a baby, you weren't able to take care of yourself, were you? If your parents weren't there, if your older siblings (if you have any) weren't there to help you take your first steps, or to teach you the "A,B,C's" you wouldn't be here, in the sixth grade. I feel that most kids take their family for granted. As if they will never die one day, as if they will always stay the same.
Another reason I wrote this poem is to show how a family really does affect you. If my family hadn't supported my every decision and helped me reach where I am today, I would be lost, in a world of the unknown. I wouldn't know what to do. Yes we might get annoyed with each other. Yes we might fight  a bit. But I, we will never, I mean NEVER will take each other for granted. We wouldn't and won't ever say anything that we actually mean that affects anyone that bad.
In this poem I state, "They are the reason I laugh." I say this because naturally my family is actually very funny. They know me very well and can, therefore make me laugh way too much and too hard. My sister especially. She's a comedian.
I also state, " They are my inspiration" because they really are. From the success my dad has at work to my sister's high school to my brother's grades, I can easily say that they are a real inspiration.  My sister, she's the smarty of the family. She is in an amazing high school, gets good grades, and was the valedictorian of middle school. My brother gets great grades and works hard. My dad, who owns a restaurant, works hard day and night. He survives blood, sweat and tears, no, like literally. My mom, as a stay at home mom is very hardworking at keeping the household in order and squeaky clean. These are my inspirations, the people I look up to. The people I support and receive support from. They were the reason I wrote this poem and the reason of my everything.

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