Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cathy's Story poem 6                                    


Everyone has their fears and insecurities,
although you might hate them,
someone loves them,
whether its the way you look,
your personality,

or even your flaws,
but we have to overcome that,
and love yourself,
choosing to hide them,
isn't going to do you any good,

our imperfections are what makes us unique,
although this might sound cheesy....
you are perfect the way you are,
and you don't have to change for anyone,
we have to be brave,
 and overcome them.

Story journal 

              This poem is about how everyone has their own fears and insecurities.You might think that someone is perfect but they also have their own flaws.In our society today everyone has to look a specific way. Whether its your body type,face,and even your style.Having our flaws and imperfections are what makes us unique.We have to be brave and overcome these fears.In the first stanza i wrote, "Everyone has their fears and insecurities,although you might hate them,someone loves them,whether its the way you look,your personality".I wrote this to show that everyone has their insecurities.Although you might hate your flaws,someone loves them.It all depends on perspective.For example,you might hate your body, but somebody else may look up to yours.
              In the second stanza i wrote, "or even your flaws,but we have to overcome that,and love yourself,choosing to hide them,isn't going to do you any good."I wrote this to show that we have to over come our fears and learn to love ourselves.Choosing to hide them isn't gonna make a difference but makes it worse.We need to let out our feelings and embrace our flaws.
              Finally,in the third stanza i wrote "our imperfections are what makes us unique,although this might sound are perfect the way you are,and you don't have to change for anyone,we have to be brave, and overcome them."Our imperfections makes us different and unique.I know it sounds cheesy but you DON'T have to change for anyone.We have to be brave and overcome our flaws.Instead of covering it up embrace it.Ignore all the haters and be yourself!

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