Thursday, May 19, 2016

Story Journal, and Poem # 2

Story Poem # 2


Wolves are majestic.
They run with the wind and pack.
Let them in your life. 

Story Poem Journal #2 

I wrote this haiku about wolves. I wrote this about them because they are my absolute favorite animal. I was inspired by writing something I love the most. As, you can see wolves run with the whole ENTIRE pack.They don't leave, any pack members behind. And if you ever see them run, they look as though they are flying through the air. They looked so wild. As anything they do are majestic. I used the poetic device, metaphor. It made my haiku more interesting. What I mean by this that, the metaphor makes my poem, more lively, because without poetic devises, the poem would of sounded boring, unless you use creative words. I chose to do this because I wanted my haiku to have at least one poetic device. I thought it would of made my poem more creative. And the metaphor would of made my poem sound, like a real poem. My metaphor is, "They run with the wind and pack.". For the last sentence, there was a whole other story about that. What I man by that is that, I got it from another inspiration. As you all, know, wolves are sometimes known as monsters. They kill people, and animals, making people hate them. However, they are only doing this for self-defense, and they need the food. They have a reason for killing stuff, so in my opinion I think you should love the wolves more. So I put that into five syllables. I got the sentence, "Let them in your life.".That was how I came up with this haiku.         

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