Friday, May 20, 2016


Summer, the time when we get out of school,
and be with our friends!
No homework, no tests!
I love summer, I feel free as a bird,
soaring across the sky.
The birds are chirping,
blue skies and the sun is shining down upon me,
and blinding my eyes.
No worries in my mind,
the weight is lifted off my shoulders.
Time to swim, get a beach towel and enjoy the sun!
Time to enjoy fun times with friends,
eat ice cream
and sit by the fire making s'mores!
Summer is my favorite time of the year. 

Story Poetry Journal # 6

When I wrong this poem, i was thinking how excited i am about summer!  It is finally May, the weather is getting better and summer is just around the corner.  Final weeks of school, final weeks of homework and tests.  I am already signed up for camp and can't wait to go upstate where i will spend my summer.  I can't wait to see my old friends.  I can't wait to make new friends and new memories.  The simile I used is "I feel free as a bird" in the summer, because i feel that i have no worries.  No need to do homework or worry about extracurricular activities.  I have a chance to go to camp that i really enjoy.  I will also go upstate where i like to swim and spend time with my friends.  In the evening we hang out and watch TV or toast marshmallows by the fire.  I love feeling the sun and enjoying warm weather by the lake.  Just another month and summer is here.  There are so many things to do in the summer.  Picnics, beach, zoo, different trips!  People are happier and more friendly.  Everyone is outside enjoying a few months of nice weather.  Because before we know it, fall is going to be around the corner and school will start again.  That is why we should enjoy every day of summer.  It is the time for our bodies and mind to rest. Summer is my favorite season!  

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