Sunday, May 22, 2016

Colors (Laiba's StoryPoem6)


Some blind me.
Some leave me in awe. 
Some I really don't like. 

Blue relaxes me.
Blue makes me lean back in my chair, 
relax my shoulders, 
and sigh. 

Pink isn't my favorite. 
Pink is too girly,
too Barbie 
for me. 

Mint makes me happy. 
Mint is beautiful. 
So pretty,
so cooling 
to me.

Yellow, the most underrated,
most bright color out there. 
It blinds me. 
It leaves me in awe. 
Light, medium, dark. 
It doesn't matter.

Some blind me. 
Some leave me in awe. 
Some I really don't like. 


The inspiration behind this poem is to set an example to others about how you should discover and think about how some things make you feel. For example I say “Blue relaxes me.  Blue make me lean back in my chair, relax my shoulders and sigh. Because that’s how some shades of blue make me feel. It has a positive effect on me. That's why I like blue, because how positively it affects me and my feelings. And, that is also the reason why it was one of my favorite color. Then I say, “Pink isn't my favorite. Pink. Pink is too girly, too Barbie for me. Because that’s how pink makes me feel. Therefore, I stay away from it. It is, for that reason my least favorite color. Pink has sort of a negative effect on me. I also proceeded to say, “Mint makes me happy. Mint is beautiful. So pretty, so cooling to me.” because that is affect mint has on me. The brightness and happiness radiating off of anything mint colored gives me happiness.
Also, the icy tone mint has cools me. That is, therefore, the reason it is one of my favorite colors. I also say, “Yellow, the most underrated, brightest color up there. If blinds me. It leaves me in awe. Light, medium, dark. It doesn't matter.” because that is how I truly feel about the color yellow. I honestly feel that yellow is very underrated. No one I have ever met has actually really liked yellow that much, in fact, my brother hates in with all his heart. Also, I think the yellow is still beautiful in all its forms. I personally find any shade of yellow absolutely gorgeous. I want people to realize that as well. Therefore it is one of my favorite color and I love anything yellow.
My main point in this poem, however, is to after realizing how things make you feel, distinguish whether the feeling is positive or negative. If it is positive continue using that as a positivity “giver”. If the feeling is negative, try hard as you possibly can stay away from whatever it is. You stay feeling positive and there's no chance you are spreading that negativity to the people around you. I do that with the color pink and it makes me a more positive person overall.

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