Thursday, May 19, 2016

Story Poem, Poem #10

Poem #10

I don't have anything to write about anymore

I don't have anything to write about anymore.
I have nothing to give.
I have nothing to write with.
I have nothing to spare.
I have nothing to write on.

don't have anything to write about anymore.
I have nothing to do.
I have nothing to read.
I have nothing to think off of.
I have nothing to rip.

don't have anymore write about anymore.
I don't have anymore ideas.
I don't have anymore thoughts.
I don't have anymore feelings.
I have nothing to do.........

Story  Poem Journal #10

I was inspired by having COMPLETELY NO IDEAS LEFT. Like I literally, had none left. But I was wrong. I do!! I wrote about how I have nothing to write about!! It was my choice to make the mood depressing. It is a sad thing if you think about it. You would have to "give up " on writing, because you have no ideas left. That is just sad. And again this was my free write. This means that there are NO poetic devises in this poem. I just write the words in my mind. This was my last idea. I literally had a full stack, and BOOM!! Disappeared!! This was just by luck. I had nothing to write with. Nothing to write on. I had nothing to do. That was how I came up with this idea. This was how I created this Poem!!!!!

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