Wednesday, May 18, 2016

POEM #4                                               CREATURES
                                  We are all natures creatures, we have
                                                      different kinds of features, some
                                                  have paws some have jaws, some have
                                                   a mane while some have more brain

                                                 we all are are unique in our own special 
                                                    way,Imagine how the world would be
                                                 if all natures creatures had the same exact 
                                                        features, the world would be an

                                                   ugly place let alone the huge disgrace!.
                                                  we would be miserable and hate this life
                                                      seeing the same faces every day 
                                                     no matter where we looked, id hate to

                                                see this kind of world everyday, we are all
                                                  different for a reason, society seems to
                                                    want people to be exactly the same
                                                          that would be horribly lame!

                                                                 Poetry journal
I wrote this poem because i wanted to show the importance of us all being different. I wanted to inspire people to be who they are and not change. I also wanted to create an image in the readers mind how the world would really be if all of us looked exactly the same. If all of us looked the same the world would be horrific because everyone would think, look and act like you. I wanted to tell the reader that society also for some reason pushes us to be the same, look the same, act the same. Society does not realize that we are not all the same so we cant pretend to be what we are not. People sometimes don't realize that we are all different for a reason. If we were all the same the world be a "disgrace". People would not want to live here.I feel like when people see pictures of beautiful models and other beautiful and famous people, they feel like they have to look like them and be like them. Then people try to change into someone they are not. Thats mostly why people get plastic surgeries and things like anorexia. They feel that they are not good enough. No matter what someone says, everyone is beautiful in their own way. Some people just have different features. I wanted to tell people with this poem that it is OK to be different,in fact it is great to be different. In this poem i included rhymes and imagery. I included them because they add a irritated tone to help describe how i feel in the text. the message i was trying to tell the reader was to be yourself and don't listen to what anyone tells you. Be who you want to be and do what you want to do because people will always criticize. This is why i wrote this poem. This is also what the deeper meaning of the poem is.


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