Wednesday, May 18, 2016

POEM # 3                                                        Dreams
                                      Dreams are like movies they can
                                                        be sad, boring,romantic, scary or 
                                                        exiting, Dreams can take us to a
                                                     parallel universe where you can make
                                                        the things you always wanted come
                                                                             to life.
                                                        you will be free like a summer 
                                                     breeze, nobody will judge you, and
                                                     most importantly you will be you, no
                                                    pressure to be perfect, all you could have 
                                                      dreamed of  will finally come to life,
                                                    you can be  model, you can be a clown,

                                                         you can have a ship and a crew,
                                                      all you  ever wanted will soon come 
                                                     true,  just think of your adventure,
                                                     it all will come to you, your dreams 
                                                                    will at last come 
                                                                 Poetry Journal
I wrote this poem because I wanted to tell people about the adventures of dreams. I wanted people to know how amazing dreams can actually be. I was trying to tell a story behind the poem, dreams are an amazing place with less pressure. Dreams help us get out of reality and have fun. I wanted to tell people how important dreams are because without them our life would be so serious and we would not relax. Instead we would be worried about being "perfect". Dreams help us step out of the stress,work,school and help our minds have fun. Without dreams we would be so stressed that life would become miserable. In this poem i included some rhymes, metaphors and hyperboles. I used these because i felt that it added a fun tone and it helped me describe some things better. I wrote this poem to help people understand dreams better and try to create an image of how much dreams change our life. Dreams also play a big part in your mood in the morning. For example if you had a nightmare you probably would not wake up in a great mood. If you had an amazing dream you are most likely to wake up in a good mood and spend your day well. I also want to inspire people to not be so serious all the time and have fun in their life. I feel like people don't really appreciate dreams because they don't understand what it does for us. For some people dreams are their only hope because they might not have good lives and in their dreams they can do anything they want. Dreams are a place where we can escape the stress an pressure the society is putting on us. I would not be able to imagine my life without dreams since it plays such a big role for us. This is why I wrote this poem. This is also how i feel about dreams.

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