Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cathy's Story poem 2


Nature is a beautiful place,
where we can be free and let loose,
like how flowers bloom,
and leaves fall,
Mother nature helps us live,

With providing us water and food,
and a place where we can feel safe,
Nature has helped us in many ways,
and now its time for us to pay,
nature would always be there for us,

and now its time,
To keep mother nature alive,
We'll need to do our best,
Whether its recycle,reuse,and reduce,
and forever we'll stay together.

Story journal

                      In this poem I wrote about nature.I wrote about nature to show how nature is very important to us and its up to us to keep it safe.Nature is a beautiful place filled with animals, wildlife,and plant life.We shouldn't just let that go to waste.With our careless mistakes.Today many people just do whatever they want and pollute the Earth.By throwing things on the sidewalk,polluting the ocean,cutting down trees,and even having huge landfills.This not only hurts Nature but us too.
                      In the first stanza i wrote,"Nature is a beautiful place, where we can be free and let loose,like how flowers bloom,and leaves fall,mother nature helps us live".I wrote this to show that  nature is a very beautiful place and it allows us to enjoy how grateful we are to have this .I also used many similes. Such as,"where we can be free and let loose,like how flowers bloom,and leaves fall".When i wrote "be free and let loose" i wanted to show how nature is a place where we can explore,be free and discover new things we haven't seen before.I compared this to how flowers bloom and leaves fall because they are opening up and letting loose.Just like how nature allows us to open up to new adventures,and discoveries.
                      In the next stanza i wrote "With providing us water and food,and a place where we can feel safe,Nature has helped us in many ways,and now its time for us to pay,nature would always be there for us".I wrote this to show that nature has helped us in many ways.Such as providing us with water and food.Now its time for us to give back and save Nature before its all destroyed.Without nature we wouldn't be able to survive.Finally, in the last stanza i wrote that after everything nature has done for us. It is now up to us to keep it safe.Such as recycle,reuse and reduce.Nature is a beautiful place and we should keep it this way.

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