Thursday, May 19, 2016

Story Poem #3


Poems can be short, long, meaningful,
or silly
Just like people, poems 
can be all sorts of different types of shapes and sizes 
You can use your imagination to 
an image, something special, something that will
make someone laugh, or even cry.
So many life lessons you can write about in poems
 and so many you can learn as well. 
Like an adventure that
never stops, an ongoing 
river full of ideas.
So much creativity flowing
Poems, everlasting,  meaningful stories. 

Story Journal#3

When I wrote this poem, I was thinking about what to write, and then it hit me! Why not write about poems themselves. I think that poems are just like people because since we live in such a diverse community, poems are also different. All of us look so different, and have something special and unique about us. In the beginning of the poem I wrote about how poems are different , just like us. We all have different bodies, different features, and different aspects that make us who we are. For example, I used a simile, "like an adventure that never stops, an ongoing river full of ideas. This quote means that you can make poetry anything you want it to be. Thee are so many things you can expand on, and be creative! Another example of a simile that I used was " Poems can be any different shapes and sizes. What I really meant was that poetry can have many different forms, and can all be different in your own way. When I was writing this poem, I was thinking about how sometimes we judge the way we look, and feel insecure. Sometimes we don't love ourselves. But we should because everyone is different, and we should embrace that. That is a very special thing. Everyone has a special quality inside of them. So does poetry. 

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