Thursday, May 19, 2016

Dina's Story Poem 6


Sometimes we,
our inner minds,
our real thoughts,
and how we feel. 

We pre
                           tend to be
like everyone else
but we all tend,
to become someone else.

At times you don't do,
what you want to do.
Even though you know it's,
what you're supposed to do;
it's not what you're,
"supposed to do".

Very few,
really know who you are,
when all you want to be's a star.
Or, one in a billion stars.

   I wrote this poem because one day I was really frustrated about something, while I was doing my English homework. This was probably about a month ago. That poem actually ende up being almost  three pages. I completely forgot about it. I didn't even look at it until now. This poem is made up of my favorite parts of that poem. I wrote this poem because(as I mentioned) I was really frustrated. However, the mood of this poem is hopeful. I am hoping for a change. A change in the way people feel about themselves and treat others. For people to stop trying to be "cool". I have seen this as a common theme expressed in poems. People often talk about how you shouldn't have to be a person that you aren't. You should just be yourself. I definitely agree with this message. 
  I didn't use that many poetic devices in this poem. However, I did use metaphor. In fact, the whole poem is based on a metaphor. I compare the lives people live to concealer. Concealer covers up the parts of people that they don't like. In everyday life, people cover up the parts of themselves that other people don't like.             

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