Thursday, May 19, 2016

Dina's Story Poem 5

I tapped my foot,
the road seemed endless.
For hours...
I had sat in anticipation.
"Are we there yet?"
the final turn.
Just 5 more minutes.
I heard the bus screech to a halt.
At last, my summer could begin.
All year I had been waiting,
for this moment.
I stepped down the steps,

I was surrounded by noise.
So many familiar faces.
I took in my surroundings,
my smile as wide as the sky.
   I wrote this poem because I couldn't focus one day when I was doing my homework. Instead, i was thinking about Summer. So, I decided to write about that. This poem is about the bus ride when i was going to sleep away camp for my second time. I wanted to show that this is an event that seems so simple, like a bus ride or arriving at your destination. But really, when you associate it with feelings it becomes more complex. More importantly, it becomes poetry.This poem was really fun for me to write because I have so many good memories associated with this event. I wanted the mood in the beginning of the poem to be hopeful, but also irritating. In the middle, the poem a more exciting and free mood. Lastly, at the end of this poem, I wanted the reader to feel like the happiest person on Earth.
   I used a variety of poetic devices in this poem. One poetic device that I used is dialogue. I used dialogue to give my poem more character. I use dialogue when I say, "Are we there yet?" I chose to use dialogue for this specific sentence. I did this because it's something kids always ask, it's a common phrase. In some ways, it's similar to a cliche. People always assume that children will say it on a long trip. (they are usually right) I also used a hyperbole when I said, "All year i had been waiting, for this moment." I hadn't really been waiting all year, but I had spent a lot of time thinking about it.

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