Wednesday, May 18, 2016

POEM #2                                              La vie en rose
                                   La vie en rose, is a french saying,
                                                   it means, look at life through rose
                                                     colored gasses, this quote is my
                                                   motto and life style,when things are
                                                 going terribly wrong you need to look
                                                past and make life worth awhile, Learn 
                                                   how to look at things from a better
                                               point of view and you will get through, 
                                                with the things that bother you, when
                                                 you look at life through rose colored
                                                    glasses, you will be much happier
                                                   and break down the barrier thats 
                                               holding  you back, as life goes on you
                                                   must must move on, we all come 
                                              upon problems but soon they will be gone.
                                                              Poetry journal
I wrote this poem because i wanted to inspire people to look at life from a better point of view. No matter how bad your life may seem are their is always a good side to a problem. La vie en rose is a french quote and song. This saying was really inspiring to me. I live my life looking through rose colored glasses no matter how bad the situation gets this always helps me appreciate my life better and enjoy it more. I never realized that to a problem their is always a good side. For example if you are playing ball in the house and break the window, that is a life lesson to not play ball inside the house. From every mistake we make, we learn a lesson and improve ourself. Without mistakes and obstacles in our life we would not be who we are now. With obstacles we get tough skin and become a stronger person. I wanted to have people look at their life and actually enjoy it, because if we don't enjoy life then what is the point?. Like it states in the story we need to make life "worth awhile." In this poem i included rhymes and hyperboles. I included them because i think they give the poem a calm and serious tone.When i say to look at life through rose colored glasses i mean that we need to make the best of life. Some people have very bad and tough lives, but they make it through. Sometimes we need to appreciate what we have because their are people in the world that are dying. I wrote this poem to inspire people and give them hope in their life, because problems don't last forever "soon they will be gone." Some people including myself should appreciate life more this is what this poem means. This is why i wrote this poem. I wanted to inspire some people to live a happier life.

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