Thursday, May 19, 2016

Danial Story Poem #9

The Beginning
When I was born
It was a special day
The beginning of a new adventure
The Start of a new generation
I was small on the outside
But tall on the inside.
The beginning of a story

As the Years passed 
I went on writing my own story
I was the paper 
My life was the pencil
The Beginning of something different

On and On
As I got older
I developed special features
I was as tall as a giraffe
I aged until today 
Where Sit and Continue 
Writing my story
With something new every turn of the page

Danial Story Poem Journal #9
I was inspired to write this poem when I thought about my life. I realized I write my story all the time. I realized when I was born a new generation emerged. I used poetic devices. One poetic device is Simile. This can be seen when I said, "I was as tall as a giraffe." The use of this poetic device implies that I am tall. The other poetic device I used was repetition. This can be seen when I say, "The Beginning." I used this poetic device to show that from the day I was born I was different. Different in a good way. I can relate this to other people because everyone is different. No one is the same as me. From the day we were born we all started a new generation. The beginning of something new. Not just new but something special. We all write our own stories. The One I listed in the poem above is mine. Everyone is different. That's what makes us who we are.

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