Thursday, May 19, 2016

Daria's poem #6 Lost in a book

I was reading a book.
Everything seemed so real.
I felt what the characters felt.
I could imagine the setting.
Their life is so adventurous.
Their making friends meeting wizards,
and facing the unexpected.
I wanted to live their life.
It was beautiful in a way.
I kept reading and reading,

the night away.
All remember was falling asleep...
But I woke up actually falling.
No voice came out.
I tried to scream but only silence came out.
but everything was blurry.
I tried to see where I was going to land
I landed in water.
I swam to the top,
I broke through the surface,
Spitting out water.
I swam to land,
breathing heavily.
I looked around.
Everything was so recognizable.
I looked around more, shivering.
I realized where I was.
I was in the book.

I screamed.
I wrote this poem because this happens often. I read a book and wish that I was living with them. Going adventurous with them and having fun. It just seems so much fun. I also wrote this poem for people like me. Who wish to be living with characters.They are usually fantasy characters who are going to a mountain to throw a ring in a volcano, or just running off on adventurous and meting Greek gods. But if you think what they are going through, it's a hard life. Just think about it. Sure it sounds amazing to be involved with the impossible, but the impossible can be dangerous. Their life is always on risk and so are their loved ones lives. It's scary just to think about it. I understand that sometimes you read a book and go,”Whoa, that's an awesome life, I wish I can live like them,” but then again it's scary. It's like a mixed feeling, and that's what this poem was mainly about.
I really had to think about the poem. I think of random ideas from my head, or something that happened, and write a story about it. I thought that this a good topic for a poem. But I started to write, the poem just seemed to get worse and worse by the sentence. I didn't like the way it turned out, so I started over. This was my 2nd attempted to writing the poem. I liked the way this one turned but I could have changed it a little more. But I didn't really know how. In the end, the poem use successful and I enjoyed writing it. And my point was be careful what you wish for. ; )

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