Wednesday, May 18, 2016

#2 poem/Journal

Were poems come from

My poems come from a place deep inside. 
Were all my dreams wander.
A place were i can smile and sing.
Were i can be beautiful and whatever i want.
Were all my memories wander.
Were my dog is always with me giving me his love.
Were I have what i want.
My mind is a strange place, but is fine by me.
My trombone laying next to my bed as i sleep.
My friends talking and playing with me.
Suddenly and alarms is herd.
A low eerie cry in the distance.
Quiet, but then louder and Louder and Louder.
I hear someone screaming, a voice of some sort.
But then i can understand it.
 All at once i begin to hear words.
 I take out a pen and paper and begin to write it down.
A beautiful composition of words.
And when its over i take a breathe as deep as the ocean and finish.

I wrote the poem"Were my poems come from" to show the reader were my ideas come from.
I use some poetic devices to "spice up" the poem. Some examples of these poetic devices are, repetition,metaphors, and similes. I bold all the repetitive words to show the reader were it is happening.
I bold every time i say the word My or Were to show were it happens. The simile i use is a low eerie cry and the metaphor i use is a breathe as deep as the ocean.
A low eerie cry means that their is like a small blank noise in the distance. I use this to symbolize the poem coming to me slowly. A breathe as deep as the ocean means that i am so into writing down what is on my mind that i forget to breathe. The once i start to remember the world exists, I take a huge breathe. Big enough to consume the whole ocean. (): This is why i wrote my poem about were my poems come from. Thank you, and have a nice day.

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