Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Dina's story poem 3

A Friend

A friend is...
a safety net,
you bounce back up,
you never fall down.

A friend is..
better than any computer.
You can find
                     whatever you need
                                           in them.
A friend is,
a beautiful cupcake,
in appearance.
But they'll take all the frosting off,
whenever they are nearest.

A friend is,
a sharpener,
if you'll be the pencil.
They make you sharper,
                                            pierce you,
but only when you need it.

A friend is,
more than can be explained,
they'll always pave the way.

   I wrote this poem because in class today, I was looking around and I started to think about what a friend is really. What makes someone a good friend? Why do people choose to even HAVE  friends?  I decided that people have friends because a friend is there for you. You are a good friend to someone when that person can rely on you. Another important thing is that you can trust a person, or confide in them.There are many reasons that I included many many metaphors. One is that I wanted to really capture what a good friend means to me. I wanted the reader to get a feeling or remember a memory because of this poem. I couldn't think of a good way to do that using literal language.
    Included many examples of figurative language an poetic devices in my poem. Two of these are metaphors and repetition. I used repetition to give my poem more of a rhythm. One metaphor I used is that a friend is, "a beautiful cupcake, in appearance.  But they'll take all the frosting off whenever they are nearest". This metaphor means that a friend looks however they usually do most of the time. However, when you are close to them they take off all there frosting, or the layers of superficial things that they have put on.They are their true selves. I also used the metaphor that a friend is a sharpener, if you are the pencil. This, to me, means that your friend helps you improve yourself and to be your best self. This is exactly what a pencil sharpener does to a pencil, improves it. The last stanza also describes a true friend. They cannot be put into words.

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