Thursday, May 19, 2016

POEM #10                                                     Internet
                                                    The internet is full of lies,it is a place
                                               where everything is a nightmare, it is a 
                                                 place where everyone seems perfect,

                                                  it is a place that makes you feel ugly
                                                and insecure about yourself, it is a place
                                                  where people hurt your feelings 

                                                 every single day, people hate on you,
                                                    the pressure to be perfect is insane,
                                                     you feel as if the walls are being 

                                                  closed up on you,your torn between
                                                  real life and the internet, the internet 
                                            has replaced, school, teachers,clocks, friends,

                                                      and games, we cannot let it take 
                                                    our life away, after all nothing can
                                                 replace REAL friends, not even something

                                                   as powerful as the internet, we must
                                                  fight to get our way before the internet
                                                                takes our life away

                                         Poetry Journal
I wrote this poem because i want people to know that the internet is a terrible place and you should not believe what you see on it. The internet has taken over us basically. It has replaced lots of things such as, schools, teachers, clocks and even friends. Some people are so addicted to the internet that they do not even interact with real people. They become friends with fake friends on the computer such as Siri. I wanted to make people aware that we need to stop this or else nobody would really interact and the world would be a mess. When i said " we need to get our way before the internet takes our life away" i meant that the internet has replaced so many things in real life and so many people are addicted to it that people are unaware of their surroundings. I also mentioned that the internet puts pressure on you to be perfect. It does because we see so many amazing models and beautiful and famous people on the internet.We want to look like that. Some of us are unaware that most of it is probably photoshopped.Then people try too look like that and do crazy things and put their own life at risk to look like someone. This is also why i mentioned that the internet is full of lies. I also want people to try to not be addicted to the internet so much. I also said that the internet makes you feel "ugly and insecure " because when we see all these amazing people online we want to look like that as i said before. In this poem i included repetition and rhymes. I included repetition because it changed the tone of the poem to how i was feeling. I added rhymes because it changed the mood of the poem to my mood at that moment. My inspiration for this poem was that all the time i see people hating on each other on the internet. It is just so sad to look at how much commotion the internet has caused. This is how i feel about the internet. This is also why i wrote this poem and my inspiration.

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