Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cathy's story poem 5

Never grow up

Never grow up,
do what you love,
its never to late,
to go wild and be free,
eat ice cream,

Watch Disney movies,
jump on the bed,
go on adventures,
explore under your bed,
and become friends with the monster,

Tell ghost stories,
make a fort,
play pirates,
dress up as your favorite characters,
have pillow fights,

Eat lots of candy,
go to a carnival,
believe in unicorns,

explore your inner 5 year old,
don't stop believing in magic,
and most importantly never grow up.

Story Journal

              I wrote this poem because i was inspired by a quote from Walt Disney.Which was "That's the real trouble with the world,too many people grow up".What i think this quote means is that when a lot of people grow up they forget what its like to have fun.As people get older they think that they should be mature and not have fun.Which i think is completely wrong. You have to dig deep into your inner 5 year old and have fun.In this poem i list many things you can do to have fun.While some of them are a bit crazy...
               In the first stanza i wrote "Never grow up,do what you love,its never to late,to go wild and be free,eat ice cream". I wrote this to show that you should never grow up and have fun.Of course i don't mean this literally where you never age.You'll still get older but that doesn't mean you should stop being creative and adventurous.
               In the next stanza i list many different things you can do to have fun.Such as, "Watch Disney movies,jump on the bed,go on adventures,explore under your bed,and become friends with the monster".In the next 2 stanzas i also list many other things you can  do to have fun.Although these are just a few ideas there are plenty of other ways you can do to have fun.Such as, "eat lots of candy,go to a carnival,believe in unicorns,mermaids,and aliens".Although unicorns,mermaids and aliens might not be real.It is still fun to believe in your creativity and imagination.
              Finally,in the last stanza I wrote, "explore your inner 5 year old,don't stop believing in magic,and most importantly never grow up". To show that the true meaning of having fun is being your fun and careless five year old,and never stop believing in "magic".Sometimes you should just stop with reality and never grow up....

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