Thursday, May 19, 2016

jason's poem#9

What a computer might dream about

A new computer chip
A lady computer
New screen
Or a new pet
Like a new mouse
Or maybe a new keyboard
So it can communicate better
A better screen so it can see clearer
Or dream about an update
Maybe get some new chargers
Or a new speaker
You'll be surfing on the internet
A new internet router
So you don't disconnect
Or a new user
A new friend to meet
Or a new memory chip
To keep all those memories

Image result for computer clipartThis poem is about what a computer would dream about.It might think about new parts.Or maybe dream about someone to use it.Or a new update cause the computer might be out of date.

I was inspired to write this poem because I know what humans think about but if things like what rocks or computers think about.Like if they want to meet a lady computer.Or want some new parts to impress the lady computers.I wonder if computers age or die?This is what inspired me to write this poem about what computers dream about.

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