Sunday, May 22, 2016

Spices. (Laiba's StoryPoem10)


They define your feelings.
They’re more than just flavors.

You pick a hot spice.
Hot spice.
You can be mad.
Or angry.
Or just in desperate need of

You pick a sweet and salty spice.
Sweet ‘n salty spice.
You’re either
normal feeling (neutral)
Or incredibly bored
and are in desperate need of
an element of

You pick a sweet spice.
Sweet spice.
You are either sad
or incredibly stressed.
You are incredibly, very
very much in need of
adventure, interest, and relaxation.


The point of this poem is to put attention on the most random thing ever. I wrote this poem while I watched my mother make me some soup for my sore throat. I noticed and noted the types of spices she used and had in her spice cabinet. That inspired this poem. 4
I say, “They define your feelings. Spices. They’re more than just flavors.” because to me, spices, as explained on this poem, describe how you feel. Yes, my observations/assumption may be wrong but I meant overall. I also feel that spices really are more than just flavors. They really can affect your feelings at that moment and affect how the whole meal of yours is. 4
I say, “You pick a hot spice. Hot spice. You can be mad. Or angry. Or just in desperate need of
Adventure.” because to me, generally, when I am mad or angry, I crave for anything spicy.
It somehow seems to satisfy me in a way that nothing else can. Also, eating something spicy really can be an adventure because you never really know how much of the hot spice makes the food as hot as you would like. You may be wanting a small amount of spice to your food but end up putting too much. The first and last two bites are always the biggest adventure. The first few; an adventure of the unknown. You don’t exactly precisely know how spicy the food will be. The last few; an adventure of satisfactory and victory. The satisfaction of being able to say that you ate something incredibly spicy is amazing, to me exactly as I am known for being a wimp at handling hotness in food. The victorious feeling of the last swallow of food is to me amazing. Those two feeling overtake the anger and boredom from before.
I also say, “You pick a sweet spice. Sweet spice. You are either sad or incredibly stressed. You are incredibly, very desperately, very much in need of adventure, interest, and relaxation.”  because when I am sad or stressed, I usually go for sweet things. Also, When you are sad, you need adventure and interest to cheer you back up. When you are stressed, you need relaxation. You need to able to relax that stress right off of you. Lastly, I don’t mean any offence to anyone who is like me and doesn’t like spice anyway, and isn’t sad or stressed. Just have a large sweet tooth and cannot handle spice nicely.

Books. (Laiba's StoryPoem9)


Pages of words.

These 7 things make books.
But so do;
Imaginary lives.
Imaginary, non existent

Things that can be
Real or fake.
True or false.
Things that can leave you
Puzzled, confused.
nodding your head with
Who knows?
Only the author,
the witch that brewed the book together.


The point of this poem is to explain books. “One of the “simplest” things ever”, say people. I say the opposite. There is not two same exact books well, other than copies of the same book by the same author but you know what I mean.
I say, “Pages. Pages of words. Letters. Sentences. Paragraphs. Essays. Periods. Commas.” because to me that is what every single book ever has or should have. They all have words. Letters to make those words. Sentences those words make. Paragraphs those sentences make. Essays those paragraphs make. Periods to end every sentence. And commas to add some grammar and sense to the whole book.
I then proceed to list things that not every book has. Not every book has adventures. Neither stories or characters. Nor imaginary lives or worlds. I say, “Adventures. Stories. Characters. Imaginary lives. Imaginary, nonexistent worlds.” to express so.
I also say, “Real or fake. True or false.” because not every book is real. Nor fake. Neither does it have to be true or false. For example, non-fiction real, not fake. Fiction is fake, not real. Non-fiction is true, not false. Fiction is false, not true. But realistic fiction… what is that? It is kind of true, as it is in a real time period, has realistic behavior, and realistic occurrences. But it is with sometimes fake characters, has fake dialogue, and non-accurate feelings/thoughts. So what is is? In my mind, right in the middle. So it’s not fake or real.
Lastly, I say, “The witch that brewed the book together.” because it’s true. The author is the one who ‘brewed’ the book together. Every character thought up by them, every plot twist, every sentence thought up by them is an ingredient. In the end, the author created a well-balanced, very interesting, and possibly award-winning stew, that is the book.

Opposites. (Laiba's StoryPoem8)


He likes bright colors.
She likes dull.

She likes to admit mistakes.
He likes to deny them.

He is active.
She is not, she is rather lazy.

She is brave.
But, he is not as brave.

He’s professional.
She is immature.

She likes to begin things.
He likes to end.

He brings bad luck.
She brings fortune.

But together they are.
Like two peas in a pod.
Like black and white.
Like angel and devil,
they are.

And together is where they belong.
Forever and always.
YOu KnOw WhaT thEY SaY,
“Opposites Attract.”

In this poem, I state different opposites. I described the man in this poem with one opposite and the woman with the opposite. In a way, I wanted to describe how not every couple has to be a perfectly similar. For example, in this poem, the couple is complete opposite but it still says, “And together is where they belong. Forever and always.” By saying this, I mean, despite the differences between the couple, the two still belong with each other.
To me, the best ways I can describe it is…
  1. They are like two puzzle pieces. The two are completely different but fit together perfectly. They fall together and stay together. It is hard to find the pieces that go together because, like love, it is hard to find two that fit. Yes, there might be a few that look similar but will they fit together? Nope. And never will. No matter how much glue you apply to try to get them together. There are always those few puzzle pieces that you try to fit together, but much like two people, they don’t fit and the tension causes them to drift away.

2. If you are a big foodie, like me, maybe you’ll learn this way, if you both like pizza, will there ever be enough pizza for you to both have enough without sacrificing something for one another? No. That’s why you want to find someone different. Someone whose favorite food is not pizza. That way, they can get what they want. You can get what you want, and there is no sacrificing for each other and you two are both happy. That defines a perfect couple right? Well that wouldn’t be possible if you both were a perfect complete match. Since you both have differences, much like opposites, you both can be happy and content.

He. (Laiba's StoryPoem7)


He's sitting in the
Dunkin' Donuts.
All alone.
very frantically
scratching at his paper with his pen.

He looks up,
abruptly, may I add?
Not at me, though,
but at the ceiling,

I wonder, oh,
I wonder.
What can he be writing?
What's his name?
Where does he work?

let's make it up.

He's a college professor,
grading his student's work.
He was away the night
and here he is now,
to get his work done.

Or he’s a college student.
Who forgot to do his
3-page essay
and is doing it now.

he's like me.
Writing down questions
as quick as they come.
Hoping, just hoping to get 
answers some day.


The point behind this poem is to show her life's a mystery. You don't know exactly what's going to come. You don't know exactly what's going to happen. You don't know exactly what every single thing is. Everything's a mystery.
In this poem, I say, “ wonder, oh, I wonder.What can he be writing? What's his name? Where does he work?” not to be creepy but rather because that is what i always think when i see a stranger, for some reason. I also say that because that is what it takes to simply know someone. Not digging deep into them.  Not personally knowing someone just “surface-touching” knowing them, meaning you don’t know that much but enough to say, “i know that person.”
I also say, “let's make it up.” because what do you do when you are me and don’t know anything? Just that. You make things up. Also, because if you are inquisitive about everything, what else can you possibly do?
I then say, “He's a college professor, grading his student's work. He was away the night and here he is now, frantic to get his work done.” because that is one possibility of which he is and is doing. Although it is a very small possibility, it can still be true. In this part of the poem, I let my creativity go wild. I say things that are probably not true at all but I still think about it.
I also say, “Or he’s a college student. Who forgot to do his 3-page essay and is doing it now.” because that is just another crazy idea I come up with in this poem. In reality, I still probably would still think that.
I then proceed to say, “Or… he's like me. Writing down questions as quick as they come. Hoping, just hoping to get answers someday.” because that was just like me in this poem. I wrote down all the questions I have in this poem about the man. Also, sometimes I have so many questions that come so fast that I have to write them all down so I can hope that one day they will be answered. I hope that the questions I have will someday be answered in a way I understand, I agree with, and don’t have any more questions about. So I assume that maybe I’m not the only extremely inquisitive person here. So that I’m not alone in this habit.

Colors (Laiba's StoryPoem6)


Some blind me.
Some leave me in awe. 
Some I really don't like. 

Blue relaxes me.
Blue makes me lean back in my chair, 
relax my shoulders, 
and sigh. 

Pink isn't my favorite. 
Pink is too girly,
too Barbie 
for me. 

Mint makes me happy. 
Mint is beautiful. 
So pretty,
so cooling 
to me.

Yellow, the most underrated,
most bright color out there. 
It blinds me. 
It leaves me in awe. 
Light, medium, dark. 
It doesn't matter.

Some blind me. 
Some leave me in awe. 
Some I really don't like. 


The inspiration behind this poem is to set an example to others about how you should discover and think about how some things make you feel. For example I say “Blue relaxes me.  Blue make me lean back in my chair, relax my shoulders and sigh. Because that’s how some shades of blue make me feel. It has a positive effect on me. That's why I like blue, because how positively it affects me and my feelings. And, that is also the reason why it was one of my favorite color. Then I say, “Pink isn't my favorite. Pink. Pink is too girly, too Barbie for me. Because that’s how pink makes me feel. Therefore, I stay away from it. It is, for that reason my least favorite color. Pink has sort of a negative effect on me. I also proceeded to say, “Mint makes me happy. Mint is beautiful. So pretty, so cooling to me.” because that is affect mint has on me. The brightness and happiness radiating off of anything mint colored gives me happiness.
Also, the icy tone mint has cools me. That is, therefore, the reason it is one of my favorite colors. I also say, “Yellow, the most underrated, brightest color up there. If blinds me. It leaves me in awe. Light, medium, dark. It doesn't matter.” because that is how I truly feel about the color yellow. I honestly feel that yellow is very underrated. No one I have ever met has actually really liked yellow that much, in fact, my brother hates in with all his heart. Also, I think the yellow is still beautiful in all its forms. I personally find any shade of yellow absolutely gorgeous. I want people to realize that as well. Therefore it is one of my favorite color and I love anything yellow.
My main point in this poem, however, is to after realizing how things make you feel, distinguish whether the feeling is positive or negative. If it is positive continue using that as a positivity “giver”. If the feeling is negative, try hard as you possibly can stay away from whatever it is. You stay feeling positive and there's no chance you are spreading that negativity to the people around you. I do that with the color pink and it makes me a more positive person overall.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Story poetry #10 

My friends!

My friends, will always be there for me
will always be like my sisters.
I can show them anything, and say anything. 
I feel safe with them. can tell them any
little insecurity I have. 
My friends are like an umbrella on a rainy day.
Always protecting me and give me courage. 
Friends are my great big bear 
 hug after a long day!
Friends will always be my side no matter what. 
Always catching me when I fall. 
 The sunshine to my day.
Whenever I need anything, 
or need to spill something on my mind.
Always there to listen about what I have to say. 
Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we get into fights, but 
we will always make up, like friends do. 

Story Poetry Journal #10

I wrote this poem because I was thinking about my friends and how they support me through everything.  In the poem I used some similes and metaphors to deepen the poem. For example,  I said"my friends are my umbrella on a rainy day". What this means is that whenever I need something, I can count on them and they'll always be there for me. Another example is when I said "friends are my great big bear hug after a long day."  This means that after a long day, they will make me feel better, and especially make me LAUGH! When I was writing this poem, I also was trying incorporate some creative elements. I wanted the reader to relate, and kind of feel something when they read it. Another example of what I used was, when I said " the sunshine to my day". What this means is that they are like the highlight to my day, and something I enjoy. Something  I look forward too. My friends always have my back, and I can trust them with anything. In the poem, I also included that they are like my sisters. I wrote this because I am very close to them, an can trust them with anything. Well...... mostly anything. Overall, My message about this poem was that you should really think about your friends, an dhow they are basically like your brother or sister. That's how I feel like, with all my friends. They can trust me, and I can trust them. Also, at the end I said that sometimes we will fight, but we will always forgive each other. Sometimes we fight about the most stupidest things, and we don't even realize it. But, we are friends, and that what friends do. 

Story Poetry #9 


Nature, always surrounding us, 
trees, rivers, bushes, flowers!
So beautiful, as the sunsets and rises.
Nature inspires people. you can write  poems, stories, 
anything you can put your mind too.
nature, makes you feel something, 
makes you feel alive. 
Nature is like the cherry on top of your sundae,
the homework you FINALLY accomplished!
When I see nature, I feel free, I feel alive.
I feel like I can conquer the world!
The trees are talking  to me!
Saying beautiful
 things that I admire. 

Story Poetry Journal#9
I wrote this poem because I was inspired that since summer is coming, how beautiful everything looks. The trees, different plants and flowers, and birds chirping, and the sun. I think that all these aspects of life, make it very pretty and special. Another example, is if I'm  having a rough day, I will stay positive, and remember to look on the bright side. Looking at something beautiful everyday can make you feel more confident and powerful. In this poem I used a lot of similes., For example, " nature is the cherry on top of your sundae, the homework you finally accomplished"! What this means is nature is what makes you feel great, and is like the perfect start to your day. Another example is, "the trees are talking too me, saying beautiful things that I admire". Obvisily, the trees aren't  speaking too me,they are just speaking with they're beauty.  I also used some figurative language, to make the poem a little bit more creative. One example is ,"When I see nature, I feel free, I feel alive. I feel like I can conquer the world! Another aspect that I include  was nature is everywhere, and we are very lucky too be living in a suburban community. The message I tried to send was that we should really appreciate the world we live in. And nature makes you feel something. It can inspire you. You can write poems, stories, anything.  Nature is everywhere and we should realize that. 


School, is the time of day where you spend 7 hours
 at  a place you learn, socialize, make friends and have fun.
School is the place were you have tests,
 have homework, and trips.
School is like my second home, even 
though sometimes I don't like it that 
much, I will always know 
it is very important. 
School is were I met my closest of friends!
School is part of my everyday routine ,
if I don't go, I feel incomplete
 for the day. 
School is makes me feel like I concurred the world. 
whenever I have a huge project due,
 or I get a good grade. 

Story Poetry Journal #8

When I wrote this poem, I was having trouble getting inspiration. I realized that school is a very general idea, but there are so many different concepts you can expand on. For example, I wrote about what school makes me feel, and what it means to me. One example is when I said " school is like my second home, even though sometimes I don't like it that much, I will always know it is very important". I use a lot figurative language to make it interesting. I also used the metaphor, "school makes me feel like I concurred the world". This means that whenever I accomplish something big, I feel very proud of myself. Also, I included that I have met my closest friends at school,and also my most special moments. The dances, trips, fundraisers, activities, and clubs as well. I also included that school is part of my everyday routine, and I would feel incomplete without it. I tried to include "different layers" to this  poem. Another example is, when I give different examples like school is the place were you have tests, have homework, and trips. I think that the message int his poem, is that school is a wonderful place where everyone socializes and has fun. Also, school is a safe place where you can express your feelings. School makes me feel like I don't know what I would do without it. We should be very grateful that we have amazing teachers, and a great education. School is awesome. 

Pets can be our best friends, can make us feel safe,
make us feel better when we are down.
Pets are like people, that you can spill
 all your emotions out too
Pets wont judge you, wont make you feel bad.
I had a pet once, a hamster. 
she was with me for 2 years, but passed way
Just watching her play, made
me feel positive, and all
 the bad emotions I was feeling 
that day were gone.
Pets are  your best friends when you need a break from people. 
Pets make you feel a warm fuzzy feeling 
inside, that will last forever.  
Pets create  memories that will last 
a lifetime. 

Story Poetry Journal #7

When I wrote this poem, my inspiration was my pet hamster. Even though she was just  a little creature we spent a lot of memories together!  Like the time me and my family drove 2 in a half hours in a car all the way to upstate New York for the summer.  Or when my hamster met my best friend's hamster. In this poem I used similes and metaphors to make the poem more interesting and too elaborate on it. For example, I used the simile, " pets are like people, that you can spill all your emotions out too." Pets wont judge you, wont make you feel bad.' what I meant was that pets aren't  the same as humans, and they will listen to you. They will give you the love and attention you want from them. Another example is " Pets are  your best friends when you need a break from people. What this metaphor means that sometimes you just want a friend that will listen too you, and not comment about what you say.  Pets make you feel special. When your feeling  lonely, scared, happy, excited, anything! At the end of the poem, I wrote  Pets create  memories that will last a lifetime. That's true. if you cherish you moments with your pet, you will definitely remember them. Also, if you remember something very special that  you did with your pet, or its favorite toy,and when you think of that  special thing, you will think of all the great memories you had. Pets inspire us,. Without our little furry friends, life would be incomplete. So appreciate  every single moment you have with them! Pets are great! 

Friday, May 20, 2016


Summer, the time when we get out of school,
and be with our friends!
No homework, no tests!
I love summer, I feel free as a bird,
soaring across the sky.
The birds are chirping,
blue skies and the sun is shining down upon me,
and blinding my eyes.
No worries in my mind,
the weight is lifted off my shoulders.
Time to swim, get a beach towel and enjoy the sun!
Time to enjoy fun times with friends,
eat ice cream
and sit by the fire making s'mores!
Summer is my favorite time of the year. 

Story Poetry Journal # 6

When I wrong this poem, i was thinking how excited i am about summer!  It is finally May, the weather is getting better and summer is just around the corner.  Final weeks of school, final weeks of homework and tests.  I am already signed up for camp and can't wait to go upstate where i will spend my summer.  I can't wait to see my old friends.  I can't wait to make new friends and new memories.  The simile I used is "I feel free as a bird" in the summer, because i feel that i have no worries.  No need to do homework or worry about extracurricular activities.  I have a chance to go to camp that i really enjoy.  I will also go upstate where i like to swim and spend time with my friends.  In the evening we hang out and watch TV or toast marshmallows by the fire.  I love feeling the sun and enjoying warm weather by the lake.  Just another month and summer is here.  There are so many things to do in the summer.  Picnics, beach, zoo, different trips!  People are happier and more friendly.  Everyone is outside enjoying a few months of nice weather.  Because before we know it, fall is going to be around the corner and school will start again.  That is why we should enjoy every day of summer.  It is the time for our bodies and mind to rest. Summer is my favorite season!  


I have two siblings,
a brother and a sister.
Sometimes they annoy me,
and sometimes they make me frustrated.
But in the end, our siblings always love us!
Siblings are like something
that can be annoying, but
you know you can't live without!
Sometimes I just want to 
blow up, and scream
I'm like a howling tornado
But in the end I will always forgive them.
Life without siblings
can feel empty and incomplete
like a cupcake with no icing!

Story Poetry Journal #5

When I wrote this poem, I thought about how my siblings are a huge part of my life.  I am the oldest of 3 kids.  My sister is 8 and my brother is 3.  As long as I remember myself, my siblings have been with me.  There are many times when i get annoyed because of them making noise or asking questions or fighting with each other.  The simile i used is "I'm like a howling tornado", which refers to me feeling mad and frustrated.  However, after i calm down i realize how lucky i am to have them in my life.  Without them my life would feel incomplete, just like "a cupcake with no icing".  Life wouldn't be as special or fun without them.  I know that they will be with me for life.  They will help me in hard times and laugh with me in good times.  I hope we will always remain friend and be there for each other.  My life might be more peaceful without them in it, but it definitely would not be as good.  We watch movies together, go on family trips and eat dinner together.  There are many moments when we laugh together.  Sometimes my sister and I have sleepovers and will share a bed.  I help make her hair and pack her school lunch.  I make puzzles with my brother.  My siblings make me who i am and as the oldest, i hope they look up to me and i can set a good example. I am looking forward to more memories that we can create together.  I love my siblings!  

Hair !

Hair, can be different
lengths, colors and textures.
Like something that sets us
apart of everyone, something 
part of our body that
makes us special and different.
Hair is like a person,
one day acting beautiful and the other day, looking terrible!
But in the end, we should 
love ourselves and accepting of our
unique characteristics!
Hair is one of the things
that makes us who we are.
Hair is as different as colors 
of the rainbow and is a special part of us!

Story Poetry Journal#4 :

When I wrote this poem, I thought about how hair is a representation of who we are.  Every person has a chance to show a part of their personality and express themselves through their hair.  Some choose to color it a different color or cut it short or style it in a funky hairstyle.  Sometimes it looks good and on some days it seems that no matter what you try to do, it just has a mind of its own and looks messy.  I used a simile to say "Hair is like a person, one day acting beautiful and the other day, looking terrible", to show that hair can change daily depending on its "mood".  Another simile "Hair is as different as colors of the rainbow" also shows that there are many different ways hair can be done.  All these different ways are just as colorful as the other.  Each person will like different things and it doesn't mean it should be liked by everybody else.  Hair gives us a unique way to show a little part of who we are to the world.  No one can stop you from making your hair look the way you want it to.  Some people could even choose to shave their heads as a way to stand out, to be different.  This way they can be heard without any words.  And just as the person changes, or their mood changes, hair can be adjusted to represent the change.  Throughout our lives, most people, especially girls will change their hair a lot!  For now I like my hair long.  When i was younger, it was shorter.  But I am looking forward to the future, when i can do so much more with it.  My friends and I like to experiment with our hairstyles.  It makes us feel like sometimes its good to switch up our styles and do something different.  In the end, we should just be ourselves.  Hair is our way to be unique,  

Poem Journal All Poems/Journals #1-#10 Yury Kazlouski

Solar System
Dancing, Dancing round’ the sun, the planets go around. Frolicking across the sun the planets have some fun.
Every time they dance around they have a good mood.

Then came the birth of the Earth
It was not so delightful.
In fact it was spiteful and Frightful.

Earth decided to outcast Pluto goes away as a blast.
Then Pluto had to stay…
Never to remembered in the darkness…

It is no laughing matter that Pluto is alone. Since any time, anywhere, Pluto can be YOU.

Poetry Journal #1

My poem as a whole is a metaphor. I compared people to planets. I also describe how the planets orbiting around the sun is like an endless party filled with fun. Earth is shown to be the bully and Pluto as the victim. This poem is supposed to show the average bullying situation and how it is getting out of hand. In the part where I stated that “Pluto had to stay… Alone… Frightened… Upset… Worthless…” I used key words to express emotion inside my poem, I used mostly negative feelings to show how a victim feels during bullying and to give the reader a vision, a dark one, filled with sadness and weeping. Another sentence stated in the text is “ It is no laughing matter that Pluto is alone. Since any time, anywhere, Pluto can be YOU.” This sentence is written to give a connection to the reader and give them a vision, a moral. Another sentence used in the poem was “Then came the birth of Earth It was not so delightful. In fact it was spiteful and Frightful.” This sentence too shows emotions and helps the reader visualize a picture in their mind. Another sentence used in the poem is “ Dancing, Dancing round’ the sun, the planets go around. Frolicking across the sun the planets have some fun. Every time they dance around they have a good mood.” This sentence was used to give the reader a picture of something smooth, fun, and joyful. Mostly the key words dancing, good, fun, and frolicking.  The poem uses unique words like spiteful, delightful, frolicking, outcast blast, etc. What makes these words used in the poem unique is that not a lot of poet writers use words like those.  To make a unique poem use things people didn’t use before, be original, and take your time. This is exactly what I did and that is what every poet does. Remember, to make a poem, you have to trust your heart and practice.

My Family

My family is the heart in me
It keeps me smiling through the day
Kindness, passion, and affection.

When I’m down in the dump
Sitting and feeling the great grump
My family is always there to say, “Let me comfort you”

I love my family equally, no one better or the worst
When I’m up on the great, great skies I always remember to look down.
I am not the only one after all and there to say the magical words too.
“Let me help, let me support you.”

Even though I get in trouble
An experience is earned
Something is learned
I know and they know
What is best for us all.
No matter what something is we do together everything,
We share our pain
We share our love
We share our experience

And we savor it together.

Poetry Journal #2
I wrote this poem to show my gratitude to my family and to show my love. My family is always there for me no matter what and always shows endless support. This is shown when I say “When I’m down in the dump Sitting and feeling  the great grump My family is always there to say, “Let me comfort you”. This shows that my family cares about me and gives the support to me. As I say in the poem I love my family greatly and they are what I wished for. I wouldn’t know what to do without them. My family is what makes me have life and be who I am. This is shown when I say “My family is the heart in me It keeps me smiling through the day”.  I also believe that I have to support my family when they feel down and are having a bad day. I feel like I should contribute to the family and should help. This is shown when I write “When I’m on the great skies I always remember to look down. I am not the only one after all and there to say the magical words too. “Let me help, let me support you.” I also love experiencing things with my family and love to cooperate with them. I like spending every single moment with them as possible. This is shown when I write the following “No matter what something is we do together everything We share our pain We share our love We share our experience.”. I also do not mind being in trouble because after all my family knows best for me and teaches me. This is shown when I say “ Even though I get in trouble An experience is learned I know and they know What is best for us all.” My family is I and it is worth everything for me!

 Dreams, Nightmares, and Night

The sky shines across the horizon
Silver stars fill the sky
Curtains closed, Lights off
Covers up, time to sleep!

Soft pillows and warm blankets
Oh the joy!
Yawns come often and eyes stop blinking.
You start to sleep.

Clouds of fluff and candy trees, flying cats
Oh the joy!
Flying through the skies like a hero saving citizens from all around.
Jumping through the rooftops as the sun goes down.

Then the clouds disappear, houses start to burn.
Laughter starts, you feel like yelling as something is behind!
What can it be?

Oh look there it is!
A zombie, a ghost, a puppet dancing and laughing as you feel a burn
Fire around you what to do?

You yell as you look around.
This place looks familiar…

My Home

Poetry Journal #3
This story expresses what I see and what is common during sleeping. We call it dreams and nightmares. We all have them, at least once in a lifetime. This story changes tone every couple of stanzas. Mainly split into three main areas. The Realistic area, the dream area, and the nightmare area. This poem is based on one of the first times I ever got a nightmare. I use certain vocabulary to express my feelings and to paint a picture in the reader’s head. I give a sleepy tone when I write the following “Soft pillows and warm blankets Oh the joy! Yawns come often and eyes stop blinking. You start to sleep.” Another tone of the story is the tone of happiness and excitement, mainly from the dream sequence. This is shown in the poem when I say “ Clouds of fluff and candy trees, flying cats Oh the joy!” This specific sentence has emotion put into it, it helps the reader imagine. The final sequence is nightmare sequence. It is supposed to give the reader chills, make them see what I saw, the screams of terror, and the ghost in their face laughing as fire approaches. I fill the words filled with emotion like joy, fluff, candy, fire, laughing, burn, dancing, and more. A couple of sentences that show this are “Clouds disappear, houses start to burn. Laughter starts, you feel like yelling as something is behind!” In the end after all the phases I come back to the real world where everything is calm and I let the reader relax. This poem is used to let the reader experience what I did when I first got the dream/nightmare.

 Feeling Stressed Haiku

The Weight Start Piling
The Weight Upon My Shoulder
It Is Growing Now

Poetry Journal #4
At the start of the poem when I say “The Weight Starts Piling” it shows how either I save work for later or I get distracted. Usually the first stage of stress. This sentence shows that work starts getting bigger, I start to get nervous, and in other words, the weight on my theoretical shoulders starts getting heavier. The next line “The weight upon my shoulder” means that I still grasp it but not very hard. This shows the second stage stress. Usually school causes the symptom of stress. This whole haiku is a metaphor comparing a person’s shoulders with the amount of work a person has. The haiku uses words such as growing, upon, weight, and piling to express the amount of work. It is also used to let the reader visualize what is going on. From the amount of work, to the metaphor, the haiku is used to give the reader an understanding of stress in a nutshell while also giving it in only 17 syllables. The final sentence “It is Growing Now” is used to express the amount of work increasing. This poem was made due to me, as always either being too distracted or too calm. In my life I always slack off. I try to do at the final second. This is not good but it is a habit. By writing this haiku I show the reader how it feels to be me everyday. I also include this because I want to give readers a moral of not keeping work until the end. The point of my poems is to learn from my mistakes and to not give up, no matter the situation. It is always interesting to see how someone else sees the world so when someone in this case is me writes a poem it is fun to see how they view the world and this haiku perfectly describes my everyday life. This haiku is what my life is, me holding the weight of what I do and don’t do. But most importantly is that I try.

 Where My Poems Come From

My poems come from a place called my mind
Where anything is a possibility.
Never knowing what comes out on the paper next

It can come from anywhere.
A desk, a table, or maybe my mouth.
Who knows maybe a rainbow?

I love my poems as a family
Poems let me be me, no change, no fake, just heart
No need for a second take.

My poems come from friends or family maybe even pets
Treasure them I will, With great memories they hold
Within them is my heart,
My living soul…

“Wow look a poem is just right here!”

Poetry Journal #5
I wrote this poem with a purpose, to show where my poem ideas come from and how they become what you see right now. It is a great question that many can get stuck on. To solve this you have to look at yourself and think deeply, look at the work you did and observe. In one sentence I write “My poems come from a place called my mind Where anything is a possibility.” This shows that a poem cannot be overthought and there should never be a limit, the only limit you should have is your heart. This sentence also shows that anything is possible as long as you believe. I also included that even friends, family, or pets can come up with a good poem. They can say or do something funny, as long as you observe enough. Think about it, there are poem ideas all around you. One part where I wrote “With great memories they hold Within them is my heart, my living soul…” I wrote this because it shows the dedication I have to my poems and how much they mean to me. The final sentence in my poem is “”Wow look a poem is just right here!”” This quote was added because just like I said before, you have to think deeply about something, but still trust your heart. I made a poem about me telling how to make a poem and where the come from! Another sentence used in the poem was “Poems let me be me, no change, no fake, just heart, No need for a second take.” This part of the poem shows freedom of writing and thought. Poems let you be you, and let you express your feelings. This is what makes poems great. Another sentence in the poem was “It can come from anywhere. A desk, a table, or maybe a mouth.” This part of the poem shows that a poem can come from even the simplest of things you might have missed. Also another part of the poem that was important was when I said “Who knows maybe a rainbow?” This part of the poem shows that poems cannot only come from experience but also imagination.


Time is a limit
It is always ticking.
Do what you want
But try your best

Mark your history
Don’t waste your time
Make the most of it.

Construct something
Destroy that something
Run and don’t stop.

Make most of time
Don’t waste it on sitting
Go out and play

So do it because remember you only have one LIFE.

Poetry Journal #6
This poem is about time because it is something I always think off. Its always the same but also different. It seems as that when you are having fun it goes past in seconds but while you have nothing done it slows down, but it actually doesn’t. You should go waste time on something worthwhile like I said in the poem. A sentence in the poem is “Mark your history Don’t waste your time Make the most of it.” This quote shows that you should do something with your life, something great.  Since time is always ticking you have to do something, not just something, but something you enjoy. The final sentence in the poem “So do it because remember you only have one LIFE.” reminds you that life is not endless and you should waste it on something you would remember as fun, enjoyable instead of sitting at you house all day doing absolutely nothing. The sentence “Go out and play” refers to you making friends and enjoying yourself which is what you should with your time, have fun, get friends, etc. Another sentence in the test is “Time is a limit It is always ticking.” Refers to the fact that time goes in only one direction. It also points to the fact that time does end and you should not think of it, instead you should have fun and be yourself, just remember to try you best to do something fun. Because after all, having fun is greater and brings better memories then the boring hours of you staying at home do. But in the long run, it depends on the person. Do what you want. Another huge reason I wrote this poem is to remind people that they have to spend more time with their loved ones and should pay more attention to their families and pets. The line “Construct something Destroy something” means that you should spend your time, don’t get upset over the negatives, but get happy on the positives. This means that you should not get caught up in the past and you should keep trying. Another sentence in the poem is “Run and don’t stop.” This means that you should literally do something with your life, but mainly don’t give up, keep trying never stop.


Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!
Everything you see makes a sound
A beautiful one
A nasty one
They are all across the world

The calm fine words of nature
And the horrible yelling in the ear
No matter how poor or fine the sounds are
Their quality surrounds us all!

All the things in the world
The objects inside
They all make a noise
Maybe even a LOUD one!

All the things in life.
They all speak their words.
Just by making sound,
None stop sound

We all make a sound.
Maybe louder, maybe quieter,
For certain different.
Never alike!

Without sound our world would be different.

Poetry Journal #7
This poem was made when I thought about the important things in life and then I thought about it. There are many things that are important that we never think about. Mainly I had the thought about sound. The ability to hear the beauty of life and experience it is just unthinkable. We have to be happy with what we have and not focus on the negatives. We should not focus on the negatives of sound because it does nothing for us, we get no gain. We should rather think of the positives that make us laugh, smile, and more. This is shown when I write the following sentence in my poem, “Everything you see makes a sound A beautiful one A nasty one”. Another part of the poem is “No matter how poor or fine the sounds are Their quality surrounds us all!”. This part of the poem shows that sound is all over the world and it can be as loud or quiet as it can. We should not hate on the amount of sound and the quality and be glad we have sound overall. Another important sentence in the poem is “Without sound our world would be different.” This sentence shows that we should appreciate that we have sound and that our world would not have the same shine as it would have right now. Another important part of the poem is when I say “ We all make a sound. Maybe louder, maybe quieter, For certain different. Never alike!” This sentence shows that like everyone has a different personality, everyone has a different voice, not only quality wise but also voice in certain situations. Another sentence that is important in the text is when I say “All the things in life. They all speak their words. Just by making sound, None stop sound.” This shows that everyone has their voice of reason and thoughts, how they talk and think. This also is an example of equality.


All the feelings in the world
Positive and Negative
New feelings coming up

Never expected and never controlled.
People wont stop and will keep going,
Till’ they experience feelings.

Feelings can crush you
Feelings can even change you,
Make you an entire new person.

Feelings are inside all of us
They are everything to us
They are us

No matter what you do,
They won’t stop coming,
Endless hordes of feelings,
They will never stop.

Feelings in everybody
You can’t control them
They take control of your body.
They will control you until you are gone…

Poetry Journal #8
This poem is about how emotions are all around us and I thought about this poem when I started to ponder about life. I think about my life and think of the past. In many moments of my life I remember how my true emotion takes control of me. This is what the phrase “They take control of your body. They will control you until you are gone…” This line also means that when you experience a emotion, you are not yourself. An example is when you are sad or angry. When you are angry you can’t but yell and stomp. When you are sad you can’t help but cry. This can also be seen when you look at this sentence in this part of the poem “Feelings can even change you, Make you an entire new person.” This means that poems take control of us. Sometimes we don’t even realize what we say. When you are mad or grumpy you might say something you might have not meant. This is what emotion is. Another sentence that was major in my poem was “Never expected and never controlled. People wont stop and will keep going, till’ they experience feelings.” This sentence means that some people like emotion and some people don’t, but either way, it happens. Also the sentence mentions that feelings are unpredictable because they are. You never know what you will say or how you will act. Another important sentence in the poem is “ No matter what you do, They won’t stop coming, Endless hordes of feelings They will never stop.” This sentence means that feelings never end, no matter what you say. Also I used key words like hordes, endless, never stop,  and feelings to give the readers a picture in their mind of what I see and what they should see.

Bounce! Bounce!
Notes are beautiful
Notes are wonderful
Snippity Snap!

Move your body.
Dance along.
Don’t worry the party only started!
You got so much to show.

Let it flow.
Let it show.
Make the notes fly through your body.

Feel the notes
The music is a generation
That will live on till the end!

Poetry Journal #9
I wrote this poem to express my love for music. I always thought music made people connect and you should not be embarrassed on the types of bands you like. I thought about music because I have it every day as a subject and I myself find listening to music entertaining. You can listen to music for inspiration, to entertain, to get your emotions out, and much more. Music was a never-ending generation and I hope that it stays this way. This is shown when I say “The music is a generation That will live on till the end!” This sentence shows my passion for music and shows that through history music helped many people. It helped calm people down and even helped them reach success. When I say in the poem “Let it flow. Let it show. Make the notes fly through your body.” it means that music is loved by everyone, even those who don’t enjoy it that much, they still do in their hearts. Also this sentence shows that music lets all you emotions come out, it helps you relax and have fun. This is what I mean when I say “Let it flow. Let it show.” It means let out your feelings and dance on the floor. Another sentence that is important is “Move your body. Dance along. Don’t worry the party only started! You got so much to show.” This shows the variety of people and thoughts, the types of music they like and how they like to vision. No body is similar. Everyone is different. Everyone has his or her own opinion.

The day I was born,
I have created History
The day my life turns around, I have caused history again

The last day I will live,
It will be history
Everything to life is History

No matter the size
Small or big
Everything causes something else

An effect, one that can spread
It can be from millions and millions of people
To maybe just one.

Whether it is good or not
It is history
You will represent who you are
In history

Your life may end but your history stays
The story to my life
YOUR life
It is all simply history

You might be remembered, you might not.
But what is known is that you will be history
In the next generation.

So hold on and don’t stop giving it your all,
After all we have much time,
To rid of our nasty memories

Poetry Journal #10

The reason that I wrote this poem is to show that your life is important, it might change the future. Even one person can alter history. I came up with this poem when I was thinking about time and then that reminded me that it takes time to make history. So just when I got the idea of a new poem (history) I start to write right away. An important sentence in the poem is “An effect, one can spread It can be from millions and millions of people To maybe just one.” This sentence shows that anyone can alter history, from one person to a million, you just have to try hard enough. Speaking of trying hard and not giving up another important sentence in my poem is “So hold on and don’t stop giving it your all, After all, we have much time To rid of out nasty memories.” This sentence shows that you should never give up and keep proceeding. It is important to give your all to give a good name, to live in vain, to believe that you did you absolute BEST. Another sentence that is important in the poem is “You might be remembered, you might not. But what is known is that you will be history In the next generation.” This sentence shows that  YOU can be the future, In a good or bad way. Either way, you should always look back to your memories and learn from them. Do what you can and never look at situations negatively. Another important sentence in the poem is when I say the following words” Your life may end but your history stays The story to my life YOUR life It is all simply history” This part of the poem shows that you may think that you are the center of attention but you actually are not. You are history though. You are part of it and you can alter it. You can change history but not with an ego, with practice. Anything is possible with practice, and you are history. Overall, history is you, and you are history. You have to practice and never give up, you should keep fighting for your honor and never look back, unless you want to learn. History is YOU and you should try your best to keep your history clean, but do not be embarrassed of your history.