Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Daria's poem #4Growing older

Growing Older
The ideas rings through my mind,
like a bell being rung.
It echoes and echoes,
but nothing dings.
I just think about like,
"Oh I'am getting older, what a surprise."
But now I think about it and something dings.
Ding, ding,ding.
I start to complicate my life. 
What should i be when I grow 'up'
Should I have kids?
Would i live in a city or the country.
Should I be open to the bright flashing lights of Las Vegas?
Or should I be home enjoying a cup of tea. 
I cant think of anything,
There's no ding or ring. 
Just silence.
What path should I choose?
But all I know is that present me, 
will effect future me. 



             I wrote this poem because its the end of the year. And we're going to be 7th graders. Everyone is bugging us about our futures and what a big step its going to from moving to 7 grade from 6th. When I was younger and it was the first day of school, the teachers would usually ask us what we want to be when we grow up. I always knew exactly what to say, but now i am just clueless. So I usually say "no idea." And then an common response would be "there has to be something you have in mind." But there never is. I just feel lost and cant find a perfect path to my future. 
         I used poetic techniques like repetition. I repeated the words ding and ring. I like to use repetition because (in my opinion ) it make the poem more dramatic for me. And since I listen to a lot of music, artists often repeat words or phrases. And usually those words/phrases is the tittle of the song. In this situation ,for me, its like important words to watch out for. 
        I really liked this poem and the way it turned out. I also had fun with the fonts, colors, and sizes. Because i think that it really does greatly effects the poem and its message. 

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