Monday, May 9, 2016

Angelina's Story Poem #9                         

 C  A  T  S

Cats are smart.
They can discover the new. 
Solve a problem,
find a clue.

Cats are generous.
 They can share. 
They understand, 
and yes, they care.

Cats are friendly.
They love to play. 
They can run up the hills with you. 
"Meow!" They exclaim.

Cats can talk. 
They do know a lot.
We speak different languages.
Cats'll show they've got.

                          ~Angelina Lambros 

Angelina's Story Journal #9

        I wrote the poem "Cats" because a lot of people don't think animals are smart. Or they think that people are so much smarter. Wrong! The three smartest animals are 1) ravens, 2) dolphins, and 3) rats. The person's brain has an amount of knowledge of 7.4 and the dolphin has 5.3. That's close, and ravens are even closer. Cats may not be the smartest animals, but they do pretty clever things, and they are great friends. We say animals don't talk, but they do. We speak different languages. Some people have succeeded in translating animal language to the person's language. 
        In the second stanza, I explained how cats share. I explained how cats understand cats, and even sometimes other species such as people. I said how they have emotions like elephants, people, and dogs do. After I described how they are clever and communicate, I described how they are great friends. People who may be nervous or under stress can be helped majorly by cats. According to the poem, "They love to play. They can run up the hills with you."
       In the last stanza I used the device of summary and repetition. I repeated how cats are smart. They know how to do a lot of things. I described how we and cats speak different languages. It's not that cats don't talk--we just don't understand them sometimes. Then I said that "Cats will show what they've got," to say that cats are capable and awesome.

 Meow Chat 


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