Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Manifesto to trickshot
Image result for mlg
baby tripleTo trick shot mlg no scope is not a simple task.If you eat doritos and drink mountain dew every day for 1 year you will get type 1 diabetes, but that doesn't matter.Listen to snoop dog and  buy a three thousand dollar controller for the lols. next u need the classes locus, ballista, dsr or svg will do. Grind whatever classes, such as snipers,snipers, and mountain dew. Get gold camo on all your Assault rifeles and Snipers, and moiuntain dew. ( dark matter for them gucci trickshots.) Steal mountain dew from 7 eleven and scream mom get the camera. If you hit a triple collateral. so lets start off with the basics. 360 no scope is ehh because u hve to hold ur analog stick left or right for 1.3 seconds to do a 360. the hard part is getting the right amount of shreak and instaswaps into it. so if u can empty out your clip and everytime the weapon tryes to reaload u pres l1 and yy so u switch and never forget that r2 is to shoot and l2 + r2 = quickscope. Here is juan quick tip, wall run, shoot shotgun, wait for pump, insta swap, 1440 , locus, no scope, Scream and repeat.

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