Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Sarah's StoryPoem1

Sunshine and Dawn

Sunshine, fills the land,
with its bright lights,
and its supreme happiness.

It makes its way,
all over the world,
and stays.

It shines the place,
including everything-
but the night.

The sun will set soon.
Eventually, go to sleep,
To rise early and bright for the next.

The moon will appear.
And the clouds will cover the sun-
like a blanket.

Until tomorrow, 
it waits,
for its time in the near future.

Story Poetry Journal 
                I wrote this poem because it explains the process of day and night. It explains how there is a cycle. There is a cycle in many things and this poem indicates one example of a cycle. A line from the poem that shows a cycle is," Until tomorrow, it waits, for its time in the near future." This shows that all of this will happen again the next day. There are cycles that every human being has in their daily lives. I have a daily cycle every day. I wake up and use my phone a little bit. Then I finally get up and go to the bathroom. I need to eat so I make breakfast and eat it. I brush my teeth then get dressed and head to school. Cycles happen every day even if we don't notice it.
                 When people read this poem, I want them to realize the many different cycles that happen every day. There are countless cycles in a day. Stanzas 1-4 explain the sun and its use and time of the day. It elaborates on what the sun gives to the world. The sun shifts from one place to another all over the world. It brings light to the day. This also refers to how other things can bring light in many ways. Things can bring light emotionally and socially. One idea can branch out into others. That is what poetry is.
                The mood of the story is very serene and slow. A line to show the mood is," And the clouds will cover the sun- like a blanket." Stanzas 5 and 6 explain when the moon comes out after the sun. That is also part of the cycle. The moon is also light. It lights up the night. I want people to experience the light even when it's dark. I want them to feel like there is always light around them. To guide them and show them the way down the path. Just like the sun and the moon.


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