Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Sarah's StoryPoem2

To Be People

A friend who does not benefit, 
at the time of hardships,
is close to an enemy,
on the scales.
The friend does not remain,
during all times.
Nor does the brother,
except for a point.
I searched the days,
with all my strengths,
for a brother,
to trust.
But my search was fruitless.
The lands and those,
who live them,
were barren.
As though its people,
were not people.
I wanted them to be

Story Poetry Journal
       I wrote this poem because it explains a time. A time that people go through when they feel lost. Everybody has a point in their life where they need somebody. It can be hard. This poem explains the journey of trying to find the light in a dark place. It can feel like you're the only person in the world with nobody beside you. This poem talks about friends and people that you need at a time but can't find along the way.
            When people read this poem, I want them to experience sorrow and hurt. This poem is mostly sad and empty. A line to show that is," A friend who does not benefit, at the time of hardships, is close to an enemy, on the scales." This shows that the person does not have anybody and the friend who is not there for you when you need it is not a true friend. Friends or family can be your journal or medicine to help you get up when you're down. You have to find those people and keep them beside you and never let them go. Those are the people that care.
           The mood of this story is sorrowful. It is sad and reminds people of harsh times. The lines of this poem explain that some people (figuratively speaking) are not true people. This means they do not show sympathy do not help in times that are needed. At the end of the poem, I add," I wanted them to be." This means that I wanted them to be "people" when I needed them to feel what I was feeling. It is like living in a ghost or paper town. Nobody was there. Just like in the movies when a haystack rolls in the empty distance. Eventually, people will find their way down the yellow brick road. Realize what they live for. 

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