Saturday, May 14, 2016

Sarah's StoryPoem5

No Teacher

I am, 
No teacher,
To teach you,
how to love.

For the fish,
need no teacher,
to teach them,
to swim.

And birds,
need no teacher,
to teach them,
to fly.

Swim on your own.
Fly on your own.
For love comes with no textbooks.
And the greatest lovers in history...

                                                                            Were Illiterate.

Story Poetry Journal
      I wrote this poem because it tells people to learn to do stuff on their own. Someone cannot teach them what they should already know. That kind of knowledge comes naturally and should not be taught. For example, in the poem, it says," For the fish, need no teacher, to teach them, to swim." This means that they learn to swim on their own. They watch others do it and learn. It does not need any thinking. You are the teacher to yourself. No one will know how to teach you better than yourself.
       When people read this poem, I want them to experience bravery and self-confidence. I want them to feel like they can do it with nobody's help. This poem is also about love. In the poem, it says,
"Love comes with no textbooks." This means that love has no limits. There is no definition of love. No one can teach you what love is. You have to figure that out by yourself. Make love into what you think it is.
      The mood of this story is exciting and knowledgeable. It leaves you feeling refreshed. The lines that show the mood is," Swim on your own, Fly on your own, love comes with no textbooks, and the greatest lovers in history were illiterate." This shows the mood because it shows how you make your own choices and be the teacher to yourself. Be the one that helps yourself.

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