Monday, May 16, 2016

Sarah's StoryPoem6

Earth's Flowers

The Earth spreads out,
a green carpet.
The daisies open up,
and the world blossoms.

Speak of the white lily.
and praise,
its beauty.

And forget not, 
the magnificence,
of the rose.
and place the daisies,
where they belong.

Mention not,
the jasmine,
until it blooms.

Story Poetry Journal
           I wrote this poem because it shows the beauty of the world. It shows how something opens up and is even more beautiful than it was before. This poem explains the blossoming of flowers. But there is a deeper meaning than just flowers. These flowers also explain life. The green fields bright and yards ahead with open space and happiness. A line that shows happiness is," The daisies open up, and the world blossoms." This shows happiness because after a dark, stormy winter comes a bright, beautiful spring. This connects to emotions and feelings because after you are feeling caged, you can be set free.
           When people read this poem, I want them to feel happy and free. I want them to feel like they can run outside in the sunshine and do whatever they please. I want them to experience bravery and confidence. This poem is meant to be very majestic and flowy. It can make you get up and dance. In the poem, it says," And forget not, the magnificence, of the rose." This shows that it is wondrous and beyond what the mind can explain. 
           The mood of this story is contented and relaxed. It is refreshing and makes you wake up from the nightmare you are having. This is a poem that explains the beginning of May when it's sunny and flowers start growing. A line that shows the mood is," The earth spreads out, a green carpet..... and the world blossoms." This shows the mood because it explains happiness in a calm way. This poem explains how the earth opens up, and turns into something else. The transition is unimaginative.

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