Monday, May 9, 2016


Where does a poem come from?
A place in which my poems grow like a tree of twigs and branches.
Some ideas come falling down and sprout new greater,bigger ideas!
These twigs branch off into different sections everywhere of your thoughts,
Your dreams, your memories.

Soon they come herdaling to the ground creating a
Wonderful forest of green trees.
Somewhere, where memories flood, and where we can peacefully
Throw words on a page.

This place which we are free to roam, to run and freely
Express ourselves in ways we can

This poem is almost a redo of a poem I made before about how poems come to be. I've included somethings poems are usually made up of such as memories and how they flood when you brain storm. I've compared poems and poetry to a tree in ehich they grow and not strong ideas fall and sprout new better ones from a little seed creating beautiful new trees. Not only was I trying to describe where poems come from but also where you create them which was a question in class. Where do you write your poems? In my poem I was trying to explain that you can write a poem anywhere as long as you have one seed of an idea to sprout from and grow a poem from. Each branch branched off to ideas and not strong enough ideas came tumbling down where you could then create stranger ones.

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