Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Angelina's Story Poem #5                                            (memoir poem)

Early Birthday

 On the Friday before my birthday,
I chose what I wanted to wear.
Black pants and a white blouse,
and I also did my hair.

I went to school that day. 
It was during my first period class,
that I felt good inside.
When someone walked around me to pass. 

"You're dressed more dressy today.
Is it some special day?"
"Tomorrow's my birthday," I say.
"Oh, then happy birthday!"

I smiled. I felt especially good.
I knew tomorrow I would,
get a sweater with a hood,
and put up as many balloons as I could.

As of now, I learned.
But I also enjoyed the day.
It was "Fri-yay,"
and my early birthday.

                                     ~Angelina Lambros

Angelina's Story Journal #5

          I wrote "Early Birthday" as a memoir poem of my early birthday before age 12. It was a school day. In the poem, I described what I wore that day to school. According to stanza 1, "I chose what I wanted to wear. Black pants and a white blouse, and I also did my hair." I gave details, such as how I said it was during the first period class. I described when I received a compliment, which was when someone passed by me. 
            The main point, or climax of "Early Birthday," is when I was complimented and told 'Happy birthday.' When the person and her friends told me 'Happy Birthday,' and when the one who passed by me said I looked pretty, I felt good. I felt the presence of knowing that the next day, I would be one year older than I was. I said that "I knew tomorrow I would...put up as many balloons as I could." I was excited. I couldn't wait for my gifts, such as, my hoodie and my basketball shorts. Being older, and also my classmates smiling at me made me feel special.
           In the last stanza, I explained that the day consisted of learning and fun. But it was also full of joy. Based on my poem "I...enjoyed the day." It made it better that it was an early birthday on a Friday--the last week day. Everyone loves Fridays, so I said "Fri-yay" instead of Friday for extra fun. (After all a poem can have some sense of fun in it too.) For a use of repetition, I repeated that it was my early birthday in the last line once more.

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