Saturday, May 14, 2016

Dina's Story Poem 1

I feel like anything can happen. 
I'm floating on clouds;
driven by a summer breeze.

I feel like nothing can happen,
like a foggy day,
when you can't see the future,
or it looks bleak ahead.

I feel like things CAN happen,
but they don't and that's even worse.
Like when you need a person,
and you only get a ghost.

things don't go according to plan.
That can be great,
like having a minute and getting an hour.
Or it can be disastrous,
like having a slight breeze, 
then suddenly a tornado.

And sometimes,
you don't want hurricanes OR opportunities
because you're exhausted from them, 
and just need to sleep.

    I wrote this poem to explain how anything around you can change, really in the blink of an eye. I also tried to show how one day you might feel like everything around you is perfect, and the next day (or minute even) it can be a disaster.For example, it's great to have, "a slight breeze", but not so great when it becomes a tornado. However, this poem is also about how outside of you it feels, " like nothing can happen", but inside of you, that makes everything happen. A lot of our feelings are influenced by what is going on around us. In the first stanza, my poem has a light and happy tone. On the other hand, the second stanza has a dark and depressed tone. Really, those two stanzas were the easiest to write and find a metaphor for. I think so because they are about concrete feelings of sadness and happiness, which although are complicated when you feel them, are fairly easy to depict.
   In the third stanza there are two emotions. The beginning feels, once again, hopeful and happy. But then, if you are let down, whether or not it's on purpose, you feel just like you did during the second stanza, if not worse. The fourth stanza talks about life not going according to plan. This happens to everyone, all the time. Everyone also knows that sometimes what you get is even better than what you planned. However, sometimes something not going according to plan can be upsetting, embarrassing, or disastrous. The last stanzas is about the way that sometimes, you just feel exhausted by everything. This applies to good and bad situations. Usually, opportunities are good, but you may not want to deal with them at the moment. You just feel tired because of the intensity of life. The metaphors that I include in my poem such as, "you need a person, and you only get  a ghost. ", explain the emotions in my poem.

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