Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Dina's Story Poem 2


Hair can be,
any which way.
It can be the same everyday.
Or different,
no matter what people say.
Hair is one way we show who we are,
no one can tell us that it's sub par

                                                                                                                            braid it or
                                                                                                                              plait it,
slick back or
  hate it.

                                                                                                                            Dye it,
                                                                                                                            or not.
Love it,
a lot.

Hair can be,
anything you can imagine.

Pixie cuts and pixie dust,
                               long locks with lots of rust,
                                                       or luster.
Hair can be,
a natural,
                  and unnatural 
showing the people of the world.

    I started writing this poem in class today, as a poem about simple things. However, it quickly took a deeper form in my mind, which is why I chose to post it on the blog. It started out simple, but acquired a deeper meaning. I realized that hair isn't just hair, it's a choice, and it can say a lot about a person. For example, some people choose to cover their hair, either for religious or other reasons. To me, this shows that they value modesty. It says a lot about a person's character. Another example, one that I used in my poem, is that many people choose to dye their hair.To me personally, this makes me feel as if that person is very creative or artistic, and has a lot of guts and character. Also, long hair shows that a person puts time and effort into brushing, styling it, e.t.c. As I say in the poem, your hair says a lot about your personality.
    I used a number of poetic devices in this poem. I used a metaphor when I said, "long locks with lots of rust, or luster". I used this metaphor to illustrate that long hair can get boring or old. Nobody, (hopefully) has rust in their hair. However, some things get rusty when they are old or damaged, not taken proper care of.  I included this metaphor to make the poem sound more interesting, and less literal.Another metaphor that I include is, "pixie cuts and pixie dust". I used this, because to me when you have short hair, such as a pixie cut, it is in a way magical and mysterious. I also chose to use alliteration when I repeated the phrase, "Hair can be". I did this to add rhythm to the poem. All of these made the poem more interesting.

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