Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Simona's Story Poem 1

Welcome to society,
where everyone will see,
what your're doing,
what you're saying,
and who you spend your time with.

Don't be worried when they all attack you,
because everybody will.
You can't do what you do,
and be who you are,
without a comment and remark.

They will tell you how to act,
how to think,
how to feel,
how to dress,
and especially how to look.

So enjoy your stay,
you might want to go,
but they have you trapped, 
so break your bounds,
and be different.
The world will thank you.


  I wrote this poem to express how I feel about society nowadays. I mention how if you want to express yourself, it comes with comments and remarks from everybody else. I try to explain my frustration with our society. I used a lot of metaphors, including relating society to a prison, saying they have you trapped. I then say you have to break your bounds. Rather than physical bounds, it is mental. Bounds are the things that restrict you from doing you.
   I think this poem represents how a lot of people feel nowadays. Most people are on their phones. This is the age of technology. There is immeasurable amounts of hate and cyber bullying for people simply expressing there opinions. I thinks it's pretty scary what this does to people. I got inspiration to write this poem from an article I read about young teens who lost their lives because of the internet. Young people should not feel the need to take their lives. People should be brave. Break away from stereotypes and labels. Everyone should unique and be able to express themselves. It's hard to be different. You get looks and stares. You need a lot of confidence do be different and put a brave face on. Don't let other people decide your future. Be your own leader.


  1. I agree people will judge you no matter what so we should be who we are

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
