Sunday, May 1, 2016

Ethan's StoryPoem6: Wonders


Everyone has to wonder
As one person or as a cluster.
You had to wonder spectacular things,
Like what would the next day bring.
Everyone is curious
Maybe on how people are furious.
Wonders make everyone try to solve it,
When it happens, the golden bulb emits.
Smart people wonder everything
The Theory of Everything.
Wonders can be anything you imagine,
Once you get it, go into action
Wonders go to infinity
To the state of divinity.
Everyone has to wonder
As one person or as a cluster.
     I wrote this poem to show that wonders to people are like questions about everything and curiosity about everything. In lines 7-8, " Wonders make everyone try to solve it, When it happens the golden bulb emits." This quote show that when you know what, when, how, where, and why, you feel satisfied and that you feel better when something is done or finished or completed. In lines 1-2, "Everyone has to wonder, As one person or as a cluster." I showed that people can come up with questions or theories with anyone or anything.
    I repeated the beginning 2 lines to the last 2 lines because I feel and think that people all around should wonder and question everything, which is important. In lines 11-12, "Wonders go to infinity To the state of divinity." It shows that wonders can go on forever and ever until something is finished with the wonder or theory. In lines 9-10, "Wonders can be anything you imagine, Once you get it, go into action." This quote shows that once you get clues, spring into action and do something about it.

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