Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Sarah's StoryPoem8

How to Annoy Your Friends

Call them funny names
Talk in a southern accent
Pour ranch in their hair
Take an ugly picture of them
when they're not looking
Tickle them
Talk repeatedly for no reason 
Interrupt them
Jump on their backs
Post an ugly picture of them on their Instagram
Pull their hair
Prank call them repeatedly
Chew gum loudly in their ear
Burp in their face
Feed them their food like a baby
Take their phone away
Then hide it
Make them laugh til they die 
Pinch them
Start dancing in front of them
Make them dance with you

Story Poetry Journal
             I wrote this poem because it is a humorous idea. It is meant to make you laugh. Maybe you have done these to your friends. This can remind you of times of your friends. This can really annoy your friends so this guide is really accurate. I have tried this and it's not a very good idea but it's worth a try. In line 3, it says," Pour ranch in their hair." I did that once to my friend and they were mad at me for like 2 days. But it was funny and now we laugh it.
             When people read this poem, I want them to laugh and relate. Maybe they have done this to a friend or a friend has done this to them. This could remind people of memories they had with their friends. This could also annoy people, strangers, or family members. What inspired me to write this poem is I started thinking about all the annoying things me and my friends do to each other every day. These things could either be really funny or messed up. You might lose friend after following this guide.
             The mood of this poem is humorous. It is funny and will make you laugh. Or at least giggle or grin. You could possibly do this to your friend. But take caution. Be aware of what will happen.