Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Sarah's StoryPoem9

This is a Place Where All My Poems....

and never end.
A place where,
all my dreams,
open up,
a box,
that unravels,
 into the yellow brick road.
I follow it,
and find unrealistic things.
Inanimate objects,
that don't exist.
Soaring through,
roaring viscously.
But peacefully,
and quietly.
Like a bird calling,
a boat sailing,
confetti popping,
out of my mind.
With a pencil,
and paper,
the words flow through,
and ever so delicately.
This truly is the place,
where all my poems,

Story Poetry Journal
        I wrote this poem because it shows where all my ideas come from. It shows my pathway and how I come up with poems. Everybody has their own way of making poems. They also have different writing styles for poems. Some people could write sophisticated poems. Others could write humorous poems. There are many different ways. 
        When people read this poem, I want them to think about how they write poems and then create one that explains how they write poems. I want this poem to inspire them. What inspired me to write this poem was a story that I read about how someone writes poems. That inspired me to write this poem. But instead of writing a story, I wrote a poem. I just thought about how I write poetry and wrote my ideas down. I want this to be like a domino effect. When someone writes this kind of poem, I want other people to see it and write one about how they write poems. It could be a cycle.
        The mood of this poem is majestic and elegant. It feels very unrealistic. The things I wrote in this poem are impractical but have a deeper meaning behind them. When I use the poetic devices known as metaphors and similes, it makes my poem more imaginative. People could understand the true meaning behind them. I chose to do this because it makes the poem sound better and makes it flow smoothly like a song. A line that shows a metaphor is," A box, that unravels, into the yellow brick road." This means that there are many ideas in my brain that I have for writing poems. This is truly where all my poems begin. How do your poems begin? 

1 comment:

  1. I really liked the way you wrote your poem with metaphor's because it gives a mysterious mood to the poem
